Posts Tagged: jobs

Open Government Partnership

I was traveling last week (great trip!) and am still trying to catch up on the newly-announced Open Government Partnership. From their website: The Open Government Partnership is a global effort to make governments better. We all want more transparent, effective and accountable governments — with institutions that empower citizens and are responsive to theirRead… Read more »

Enable, Empower, Imagine, Implement

I am very quiet at the moment. Mostly, this is because I have been producing work at my day job at a speed hitherto only reserved for the last time we thought moving 56,000 properties bin days in the space of 12 months was a good idea and I was responsible for sending the trucksRead… Read more »

How using a marketing approach can help open data

One of the biggest barriers to the growth of the open data movement in my opinion is that nearly every open data related meeting/event is still comprised primarily of data geeks and app developers. The language that is used by this community (e.g. machine readable data, open access, genomes, geo-spatial, etc…) confuses the typical non-geekRead… Read more »

5 Things Harry Potter Can Teach Us About Government Contracting

I originally posted this on GovWin for the release of Harry Potter, and realized a lot of this still connects to federal employees as well. For the broad information that does relate to just contractors, it will at least provide some insight from our side. As J.K. Rowling’s boy wizard franchise prepares to close withRead… Read more »

Green Government Podcast, Episode 21: A Focus on Water and Water Infrastructure with G. Tracy Mehan of the Cadmus Group

Interview with G. Tracy Mehan, Principal, The Cadmus Group, Inc. In Episode 21 of the Green Government Podcast we talk water, wastewater and the role of water in green infrastrucutre and urban planning with Tracy Mehan of the Cadmus Group. Tracy has been involved in the regulation of wastewater and drinking water infrastructure for decades,Read… Read more »

Honoring Fallen Civil Servants

Nearly three thousand federal civil servants have died in the line of duty since 1992. They represent a wide range of federal agencies, yet the federal government has no program or policy in place to provide a U.S. burial flag for these fallen heroes. This glaring omission was the subject of an Op-Ed in TheRead… Read more »

Britain…Open to Outsourcing

With various governments limiting the amount of outsourcing programs, Mark Kobayashi-Hillary predicts that the Indian, Brazilian and Chinese IT industries will become the best in the world… By: Mark Kobayashi-Hillar Who can remember that distant hazy past where Barack Obama was campaigning to become president of the USA and he talked of creating more AmericanRead… Read more »

Governments’ demands limit IT Outsourcing

Government bureaucracy and red tape stand in the way of IT companies trying to deliver efficient services… By: Mark Kobayashi-Hillary, IT Editor, Shared Services & Outsourcing Network (SSON), There are two stories in the press in the last month that are apparently unconnected, but should be of interest to those focused on IT outsourcing. First,Read… Read more »

IT Players up against UK Government Spending review

Mark Kobayashi Hillary reflects on the outcome of the UK Government Comprehensive Spending Review – Does a dip in IT Outsourcing look likely as the UK Government looks set to shift from pure IT deals to include services and business process? By: Mark Kobayashi-Hillary, IT Editor, Shared Services & Outsourcing Network (SSON) The UK governmentRead… Read more »