Posts Tagged: jobs

Recall actions move forward in Wisconsin after primary

Tweet Print PDF Recall elections are going forward in Wisconsin after yesterday’s Democratic primary. The primary was notable for having 6 fake Democrats on the ballot. The fake democrats were placed on the ballot by the state Republican party to force the primary and give incumbent lawmakers more time ahead of the recall vote. InRead… Read more »

RTA revokes staff credit cards

The Regional Transportation Authority (IL), which oversees transit services in greater Chicago, has revoked credit card privileges for most employees after a high-ranking official apparently used her card for personal expenses. The charges were considered accidental, and the agency was reimbursed, but the agency decided it was time for a change. “It’s kind of handyRead… Read more »

What is Govloop to YOU?

With so many different types of social networks now present in today’s society and Google adding yet another one to the mix, I have often wondered if it is truly fair to reference Govloop as the, “Facebook for Government.” Sure, at the time, the reference was the most clear picture that could be provided toRead… Read more »

Too Many Websites, Too Little Time

The Customer Service series is supported by RightNow Technologies. To learn more on how to use cloud technology to improve customer service, visit the RightNow resource center today. Check out the GovLoop/RightNow Customer Service Hub to get smart on how to be awesome at customer service. Let’s face it, it’s a huge challenge for governmentRead… Read more »

Creating a citizen movement for open government

Hi folks, I’m new to the GovLoop community. It was recommended that I post this here and get some feedback. Originally posted on The article is CC-BY-SA, attributions Jason Hibbets. How do you get techies, govies, and citizens to identify, collaborate, and start creating solutions for your local government? Host a CityCamp. It’s easierRead… Read more »

HHS releases much-anticipated insurance exchange proposed rulemaking

Deltek Analyst Stephen Moss reports. On July 11, 2011, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) released two notices of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) related to state health insurance exchanges. One of the NPRMs provides guidance on the establishment of the exchanges by outlining federal requirements for states that elect to establish their own exchange,Read… Read more »

How Stunning Storytelling Can Advance Your Career (FREE Online Training)

More than 230 GovLoopers have responded to a challenge from Dave Dejewski to explain what they do in 7 words or less and Jeffrey Levy has asked: “Can you tweet what you offer an employer?” While the responses are clever, you’ve got to wonder if 7 words or 140 characters are enough to tell yourRead… Read more »

5 tips for a supercharged procurement process

By: Gavin Bowden-Hall in Share0 “The private sector has no reason to stimulate a healthy market so truly ‘open competition’ is rarely undertaken… without adopting a best-practice procurement process, and orchestrating an open competition, how can business be sure of value for money? Or is it that ‘value’ is just measured differently, and is lessRead… Read more »