Posts Tagged: jobs

1.USA.Gov Hackathon: Data On How We “Share” Gov

Trust is a valuable thing online, and being able to know that the information you’re receiving is reliable and accurate is difficult yet essential — especially so for government websites, where people go for critical information, like health services and public safety. That’s why it was great to see the federal government roll out 1.USA.govRead… Read more »

Budget troubles affect attitudes toward government communications

I guess it was inevitable. After a contentious spring, federal and state budget deficits, and political posturing on both sides of the aisle (in an extreme case – Minnesota – both sides walked away from the table and the state government actually shut down!), government communications and marketing funding is on the chopping block. DeridedRead… Read more »

The Meaning of Accountability

The word “accountability” ranks right up there with “freedom,” “justice,” and “democracy” – words commonly used and thought to be understood by all. But that is wrong. It is a term that is complex and misunderstood, and subject to abuse in political discourse. But more importantly, because there is a lack of clarity, there areRead… Read more »

GEICO Brings us to the HomeFront

GEICO is a proud partner of GovLoop. ————————————— The GEICO blogosphere has expanded! GEICO’s love and respect for military personnel runs deep. Launched on the Fourth of July, GEICO has created a brand new blog, HomeFront by GEICO. HomeFront creates a channel for members of the military and their families to share stories, pictures, videos,Read… Read more »

Turning GovLoop up to 11

Yesterday, Steve Ressler and Andrew Krzmarzick invited me and fellow GovLooper Joshua Joseph in the GL HQ on 15th. We ate baguette, drank coffee, and talked about why people (like you!) should spend your time and energy here. It was a good conversation that ended up focusing on these questions: How is GovLoop different thanRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Through the eyes and heart of a soldier’s mom – Part 2

This is part two in our blog series with veteran recruiter and military mom, Linda Ortiz our colleague from the IRS Recruitment Office and today’s guest blogger. I provided training and oversight for the warrior interns and their managers. Slowly, some of them separated from their military service, some returned to active duty and someRead… Read more »

Making broadband a right – a lesson for the states?

Tweet Print PDF Broadband access in the United States is an issue fraught with strong opinions on topics from speed to funding to net neutrality. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) backed by the support of the Obama Administration is pushing a variety of initiatives to increase broadband access nationwide in order to close the technologyRead… Read more »

“A Tapestry of Data”: Open Legislation with The State Decoded

The State Decoded is a proposed open government data platform — currently in development — aimed at providing free online access in interoperable formats to U.S. state codes, and, where possible, at connecting such codes to pending legislation and court decisions. On June 22, a Knight News Challenge grant was awarded for The State DecodedRead… Read more »

What’s your favorite laptop for conferences?

Is the iPad sufficient? I’ve had trouble finding the perfect laptop solution for government conferences and training activities, as an attendee or speaker. Finding something tiny and portable was easy enough, but like Tim the Toolman Taylor, I just needed more power! I saw an article on for the HP Pavilion dm1 a whileRead… Read more »