Posts Tagged: jobs

With Open Gov slowdown in U.S. will UK become the next Gov 2.0 global leader?

Over the last week we’ve been hearing disturbing news about the open government movement in the U.S. On June 22nd, The Washington Post announced The Death of Open Government and yesterday asked the question: Is the door closing on open government? Meanwhile, the UK continues to make investments in open government initiatives, inspired in partRead… Read more »

Open Government Isn’t Something One Person Can Own – It Belongs To All of Us

Originally posted on the Phase One Consulting Group’s Government Transformation Blog. As the firestorm over the future of Open Government raged across Twitter and blogs early last week following Vivek Kundra’s departure announcement, there were federal employees quietly scheduling meetings, chatting in the hallways or just simply asking questions about how Open Government can helpRead… Read more »

Was Abe Lincoln Honest?

GEICO is a proud partner of GovLoop. ——————————————————— Hello GovLoopers! It’s Friday, and not just any ordinary Friday. Today is the beginning of one of my favorite holidays of the year. This weekend we celebrate our great nation and all who made our freedom and liberty possible. In keeping with this season of patriotism andRead… Read more »

Perspectives coming out of the East/West Institute’s global cyber security summit in london

Tweet I believe many readers would agree that cyber threats are one of the more significant issues facing our nation’s businesses and governments today. Earlier this month, I attended the East/West Institute’s (EWI) Worldwide Cybersecurity Summit in London. EWI is a global think tank that has organized a series of meetings to help address theRead… Read more »

NYC Digital – The Open Government Ten Commandments

The Digital City Roadmap from NYC is such a powerful program because it pioneers in many areas, and integrates them effectively into a single overall strategy. The first and core point I would highlight is the leadership role in the field of Open Government. Quoting from page 38 of the report: “Digital technology enables unprecedentedRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Through the eyes and heart of a soldier’s mom – Part 1

This is the first entry in our blog series with veteran recruiter and military mom Linda Ortiz, our colleague from the IRS Recruitment Office and today’s guest blogger. As patriotic holidays come and go annually – Veterans Day, Memorial Day and now the Fourth of July – I gaze up and down my street, hopingRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up July 01, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Hang up and drive into the sunset. Business News Daily reports on a poll showing that nearly 75 percent of Americans want access to their data while they’re on vacation and nearly one out of five wants data access on their honeymoon! E unum, pluribus? Mike Rupert, a former colleague of mine fromRead… Read more »

Government Teaches About Fireworks Safety Online

Speaking of practical ways that the government can provide useful information to citizens online… there are various government webpages that help citizens become informed on being safe around fireworks. Here’s a sampling of them… “According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) annual death and injury report (PDF, 325 Kb) on fireworks, approximately 40Read… Read more »

Minnesota Shutdown Update

We’re just hours away from the Minnesota government closing it’s doors. While it’s looking bleak that government leaders will come to a consensus and pass a budget a few things ARE looking up thanks to a Minnesota judge. Yesterday a state judge ruled that Governor Dayton’s austere shutdown plan didn’t include enough essential service toRead… Read more »

Open Government is Dead, Long Live Open Data

Vivek Kundra leaving the White House rings one more bell that the Open Government soiree is over. And like all poorly planned parties, it should be. But, that doesn’t mean that he didn’t leave us one lovely party favor. Let’s be honest. The combination of the very nebulous idea of “Open Government” and the institutionalizationRead… Read more »