Posts Tagged: jobs

Gen “Y Not?” – Building the Next Generation of Government

If you’re interested in this topic, please consider attending our Next Generation of Government Summit on July 28-29 in Washington, DC, where emerging leaders and thinkers will convene to chart the future course of government. ***************************************************************************************************************************************** In another post, I captured the proceedings of an International Symposium which is discussing “Generation Y and Public Management:Read… Read more »

Government Doing More with Less

As the City of Houston’s 2011 fiscal year winds down, hard decisions have been made to overcome a $70 million shortfall. Enacting mandatory furloughs and lay-offs, reducing library hours and closing some neighborhood pools are just a few of the methods the city administration has chosen to use to balance this year’s budget. With suchRead… Read more »

Why better public involvement in transport is needed

Rot-Grun Stau Vienna political poster about transportation This political poster illustrates why projects like GreenCityStreets are needed to help educate residents about sustainable transport and to provide them with a forum for suggesting and supporting good ideas. Why is this necessary? Because transportation is complicated and politicians try to make it seem simple. This illustrationRead… Read more »

The Big Sky State is Big on Arc-GIS

With 145,552 square miles of populated open land, Montana, aka the Big Sky State, has a lot to keep track of. Managing such a large spectrum of terrain is no simple task. This is why the fourth largest state in the US chose to pioneer a GIS-based statewide cadastral database. According to OMB’s Federal EnterpriseRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Telework Solutions

GovLoop is proud to have Microsoft as one of its 2011 Premiere Partners. This week, we’re highlighting their Telework Solutions. You can learn more below from our interview with Martin Isaksen, a Federal Technologist at Microsoft. 1. What is Microsoft’s take on Telework? Isaksen: These are exciting times for the nearly 2 million federal civilianRead… Read more »

Generation Y and Public Management: Issues and Implications [Live Blog from Paris]

Good morning. I am live blogging from the Ministry of Finance in Paris, France, where I am participating in an event hosted by the Institut de la Gestion Publique (Institute for Public Management). This marks the 10th year of an annual event and this year’s theme is “Generation Y and Public Management: Issues and Implications.”Read… Read more »

MOSES – Ramping up Government Use of Virtual Worlds

We’ve been fortunate to have a group of federal employees from the US who are dedicated and passionate about government use of virtual worlds. The work accomplished by Eric Hackathorn (NOAA), William May and Lovisa Williams (State Dept), Charles White and Jeanne Holm (NASA), Paulette Robinson (NDU), and Douglas Maxwell and Tami Griffith (US Army)Read… Read more »

ALA 2011: Opening Reception in Exhibit Hall

The ALA Annual Conference and Exhibit is in gear in New Orleans, LA. This conference brings together more than 25,000 librarians, educators, authors, publishers, literacy experts, illustrators and the leading suppliers to the market. (2011 ALA Conference Overview) One of my favorite things about ALA is the huge exhibit hall. it’s worth attending the conferenceRead… Read more »