Posts Tagged: jobs

What you should know about ‘The Really Useful Event 2011 – Data Discovery Workshop’

Register to ‘The Really Useful – Data Discovery Workshop’ NOW and vote for the open data challenges Download the ‘Data Discovery Workshop’ Agenda A. Its one of a kind The LDG Community in conjunction with the Transparency team at DCLG and the LG group are planning a series of events and activities over a 6-monthRead… Read more »

Let’s not just make open data sexy… let’s make it really useful!

To register for the Really Useful event of 1st of July go to and vote for the challenges at Ever since the launch of open data here in the UK by Sir Tim Bernes-Lee in January 2010 with (who ReadWriteWeb says actually put the US version to shame due to theRead… Read more »

What does it take to be an intelligence analyst?

The intelligence community is getting a lot of attention these days. And with President Obama’s announcement of the Afghanistan draw-down timeline, the need for civilian intelligence experts will only increase. Breaking into the “business” can be tough – without prior military experience and a security clearance, it can be difficult to get your foot inRead… Read more »

2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries Now Available

The 2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries: e-Initiatives and e-Efforts: Expanding Our Horizons is now available: 2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries in PDF. Best Practices for Government Libraries for 2011 and prior years are all available from the right sidebar here on the Government Info Pro. Best Practices is a collaborative document that isRead… Read more »

Eliminating Websites, Consolidating Others = Better Customer Service!

Last week, the White House announced a new initiative to get a handle on the rampant proliferation of government websites. They put a 90-day freeze on granting any new top level domains (e.g.,, and they are requiring all agencies to review their websites and determine those that can be abolished, consolidated, and/or improved. AgenciesRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Efficiency, Authority, and How to Seriously Rock Your Resume

Happy Friday, everyone! You know what time it is. It’s time for the… Friday Fab 5! We’ve had some great blogs and discussions going on this week here on GovLoop so let’s take a look back and highlight a few of them! The information in these posts are great to reread and even use asRead… Read more »

New, Free Access to Indian Parliamentary Debates, on Indian Kanoon

Full text of debates of the Lok Sabha — the lower house of the Parliament of India — from 1998 to present, are now available free of charge on Indian Kanoon, Dr. Sushant Sinha‘s free access to law service for India. Lok Sabha debates on Indian Kanoon can be retrieved along with the texts ofRead… Read more »

Warning: Novel in Progress

With more than 40,000 words written, I think it’s safe to reveal that I’m working another another book. It’s not a mystery like my previous novel, Murder in Ocean Hall. Instead, it’s a satire called Don’t Mess Up My Block. My novel is a parody of self-help tomes like Who Moved My Cheese. The storyRead… Read more »

mySociety Publishes Evaluation Reports

A UK-based non-profit, mySociety released publicly last week evaluation reports for two of their major open government initiatives: TheyWorkForYou (report here) and WriteToThem (report here). TheyWorkForYou attempts to “make it easier to find out what your MP [Member of Parliament] has been doing in Parliament,” and WriteToThem tries to “make it easier to find outRead… Read more »

2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries Now Available

The 2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries: e-Initiatives and e-Efforts: Expanding Our Horizons is is now available: 2011 Best Practices for Government Libraries in PDF. Best Practices for Government Libraries for 2011 and prior years are all available from the right sidebar here on the Government Info Pro. Best Practices is a collaborative document thatRead… Read more »