Posts Tagged: jobs

Feds follow Arizona’s lead with proposal to require E-Verify for employers everywhere

The bill was heard Wednesday by a House Judiciary subcommittee, and would require U.S. employers to use E-Verify to check workers’ citizenship. It purpose is to create jobs for unemployed Americans by keeping illegal immigrants out of the job market, and would do nationally what Arizona has required of employers for several years — makeRead… Read more »

Soldier Ride, Not Your Average Bike Race

Imagine you’re on a nice long bike ride. At the finish line you are greeted by friends, supports, and the GEICO Gecko? GEICO is the national sponsor for the 2011 Soldier Ride National Tour, a cause which benefits the Wounded Warrior Project WWP is a nonprofit organization founded by a group of veterans and friendsRead… Read more »

Miguel on Free Access to Law in South America

Teresa M. Miguel, Esq., of Yale Law School, Lillian Goldman Law Library has posted The Digital Legal Landscape in South America: Government Transparency and Access to Information, on SSRN, in Legal Information and Technology eJournal. Here is the abstract: The governments of ten South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay,Read… Read more »

Blog Recap: Yesterday’s Hearing On Inspiring Students To Federal Service

Yesterday I had the chance to sit in on a hearing by the Senate Subcommittee on Oversight of Government Management, the Federal Workforce, and the District of Columbia. It was titled “Inspiring Students to Federal Service.” I took some notes and thought I’d share them in the form of brief summaries of each of theRead… Read more »

Top 9 Things I Learned in Berlin

So I’m in Berlin this week talking to folks in Germany about social networks and collaborations. In the course of conversations and beers, I learned a ton about how public service works over here in Germany. Here’s 9 things I found interesting: 1) 41 hours per week – Professional civil servants work 41 hours perRead… Read more »

Re: Government Layoffs

The “article” is a bit misleading. The President said he will reduce/eliminate duplicate government websites. What is so bad about that? Seems like it will make things easier for John Q public. He also said he is going to shrink the size of the federal register. Again, what is so bad about that? Hasn’t previousRead… Read more »

Guidelines to Follow When Taking Government Work Home

Government work, as with work in the private sector, sometimes becomes quite taxing and you may find that you could benefit greatly if you could just take some of your work home with you and work on it there. Not so fast. Before you take anything home from your Government job you need to knowRead… Read more »

Seven Management Imperatives: Act with Strategic Intent

The United States federal government operates in a period rife with significant, seemingly intractable challenges, including an evergrowing federal deficit, economic uncertainty, unemployment, and an aging infrastructure. These challenges go to the core of effective public management. As Don Kettl notes in Reflections on 21st Century Government Management, many problems faced by government allow littleRead… Read more »