Posts Tagged: jobs

Guidelines to Follow When Taking Government Work Home

Government work, as with work in the private sector, sometimes becomes quite taxing and you may find that you could benefit greatly if you could just take some of your work home with you and work on it there. Not so fast. Before you take anything home from your Government job you need to knowRead… Read more »

Seven Management Imperatives: Act with Strategic Intent

The United States federal government operates in a period rife with significant, seemingly intractable challenges, including an evergrowing federal deficit, economic uncertainty, unemployment, and an aging infrastructure. These challenges go to the core of effective public management. As Don Kettl notes in Reflections on 21st Century Government Management, many problems faced by government allow littleRead… Read more »

Vermont takes strategic energy plan online, asks for advice

Tweet Vermont is taking its strategic energy plan online and seeking advice from citizens on how best to move forward. The Governor has launched a new website that will provide current information on the state’s energy plan as well as the result of several public hearings on the plan that are slated to take placeRead… Read more »

More Transparency, More Reporting?

It seems it is not a matter of whether, but when, the federal government will impose new reporting requirements on recipients of federal financial assistance. On the same day, President Obama issued a new executive order on the matter while a key member of Congress introduced legislation that could have a drastic impact on grantsRead… Read more »

2011 ALA Annual Conference and Exhibit

The ALA Annual Conference and Exhibit is coming up on June 23-28, 2011 in New Orleans, LA. This conference brings together more than 25,000 librarians, educators, authors, publishers, literacy experts, illustrators and the leading suppliers to the market. (2011 ALA Conference Overview) Here are some key ALA 2011 conference links: ALA 2011 Preliminary Program RegisterRead… Read more »

CNO Part 2: Computer Network Defense

This is the second installation on my series about Computer Network Operations (CNO). The last blog explored the actions known as Computer Network Exploitation (CNE), and as always, please feel free to comment. Today, the topic switches from exploitation to defense. Computer Network Defense (CND): Includes actions taken via computer networks to protect, monitor, analyze,Read… Read more »

A Suggestion Box Is Not Enough

A recent Buffalo News article highlighted the fact that no one has been checking employee suggestion boxes for the Town of Amherst, NY. As stated in the article: At a recent Amherst Town Board work session, Council Member Steven Sanders introduced a resolution clarifying that it’s the supervisor’s responsibility to periodically check the several woodenRead… Read more »

Improving the IT Acquisition Process

Federal Computer Week ran an interesting article recently on the many ideas and suggestions for improving the IT acquisition process. Their report was the result of the “Smarter Federal IT Initiatives: High Quality, Cost-Effective and On-Time” event sponsored by the Association of Management Consulting Firms in March. This event, featuring a panel of subject-matter experts,Read… Read more »

Porn Star Intern: What Happens To One’s Career After A Government Internship?

I read earlier today about Hilary Clinton’s former intern. Back in 2006 she (Ms. Sammie Spades) was a summer intern while attending community college. Plans were to become an attorney, and later go into public office. As it turns out, I guess you could say she did become a public servant, but of a muchRead… Read more »

Lunch Roulette: Random Social Networking in the Office

One of the exciting things about being in the inaugural class of Code for America Fellows is watching the Code for America culture evolve: hawk screams and git commit messages reverberate through the office; visitors jump into cross-functional teams on Labs Fridays; everyone is eager to share their knowledge and skills. It’s the kind ofRead… Read more »