Posts Tagged: jobs

Failure As A Strategy For Success

I’m reading a new book called Adapt: Why Success Always Starts With Failure. It’s a fantastic book, and if you’re a CEO or CTO of a startup, or an innovator, or anyone who tries new things, you should read it. In the book, author Tim Harford makes the case that trial-and-error, done intelligently, constantly outperformsRead… Read more »

Free Student Prototyping for Government Agencies

The Center for Government Interoperability partners with colleges and universities to provide free prototyping services to federal, state and local government. The universities’ objective is to provide students with real world software project experience with an emphasis on teamwork, written and oral presentations, ethics and business and industrial projects. Students are typically only available forRead… Read more »

Weiner, Keep Tweeting; The Amazing (Hill) Race; and Survey Your Followers!

Note: My weekly posts have been moved from Fridays to Mondays. So… there was not much news of a social media and politics nature over the past week or even the past 24 hours… Oh yes, there was the congressman who tried to covertly tweet a sexually explicit picture and failed… Keep Tweeting, Rep. WeinerRead… Read more »

Project of the Week:

I learned a few week ago that the Small Business Administration (SBA) had launched a new community for small business owners, so I asked them a few questions about it. Below are their responses. 1 – Tell me about the new SBA Community project. What is the concept behind it? What does it entail? TheRead… Read more »

Our new GovLab study on cross boundary collaboration

GovLoopers, I encourage you to take a look at our new GovLab study, “XBC: Creating public value by unleashing the power of cross-boundary collaboration.” I think there are some fairly groundbreaking things in the study including a typology of cross-boundary networks, a little tool for choosing the best type of collaboration network to meet yourRead… Read more »

A Results-Oriented Commerce Department?

I’ve long admired Gary Locke for his commitment to results-oriented government. He pioneered new approaches in Washington State both as the chief executive of King County and as governor. But I’d never met him until last week at a Partnership for Public Service event where he summed up his tenure as Commerce Secretary, before departingRead… Read more »

Free Tix – How is your agency improving performance measurement?

Goal setting and running regular, data-driven reviews are tools an agency can use to improve performance. Across the federal government, we need to understand where we are regarding current performance, and be able to regularly ask the right questions to review progress on meeting those goals. It’s less about hitting a specific target and moreRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Valuable Veterans

This week’s guest blogger is Ernie Beltz Jr. He is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, and has managed the veteran recruitment program for the Department of the Treasury and IRS for a year and a half. Below, he offers some suggestions to consider – or consider sharing – when your organization is looking to fillRead… Read more »