Posts Tagged: jobs

Recruitment 411: Valuable Veterans

This week’s guest blogger is Ernie Beltz Jr. He is a U.S. Marine Corps veteran, and has managed the veteran recruitment program for the Department of the Treasury and IRS for a year and a half. Below, he offers some suggestions to consider – or consider sharing – when your organization is looking to fillRead… Read more »

If I had the top hat of my organization, my plan of action would be…

For many years, before my public servant days, i was a civilian looking into the government’s operations and hating every darn minute of it! I enjoyed finding flaws in every process level that, when I think about it now, it seems so evil of me. Today, I am a public servant. And I have enjoyedRead… Read more »

7 Reasons FED GOV Contractors Should Consider STATE & LOCAL Markets

7 Reasons Federal Government Contractors should consider their advantages in the state and local marketplace. Jennifer Schaus Jennifer Schaus & Associates Washington, DC HOST OF B2G MONTHLY NETWORKING:

New Face of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans: MyPlate

Guest post from Silje Lier, MPH of Dept. of Health & Human Services (HHS). More info on Silje after the post – The Department of Agriculture was the source of many tweets and mobile videos last Thursday as we waited in anticipation for First Lady Michelle Obama, Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, and Surgeon General ReginaRead… Read more »

What Will 2013 Bring for Wind Energy?

Yes, there are lots of things to be done in order to make the Federal government, and the country, more sustainable between now and 2013. But every once in a while it’s worth looking ahead to see what the future may bring; especially when a consensus has formed. The consensus we’re reading about concerns theRead… Read more »

DoD/PIC Partnership for Performance Symposium

The Department of Defense is partnering with the Performance Improvement Council to host the upcoming Performance Symposium for all federal government employees. You must be a federal government employee to register. The event will take place on June 27-30, 2011 at the National Conference Center in Lansdowne, VA. Federal employees are invited from every departmentRead… Read more »

Illinois examines next phase, 220-mph high speed rail

Tweet Illinois will be examining the next phase of high-speed rail through a new study group that includes the University of Illinois, the Illinois Department of Transportation and private sector. The group is looking at the feasibility of 220-mph passenger rail service between Chicago, Urbana-Champaign and beyond. Currently, the state is building a 110-mph railRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: The Recession Recovery – Does It Exist For Women?

We all heard about the recent recession being called a “mancession” due to job cuts in male-dominated work, but as the economy slowing hits its upswing, men are recovering quicker than women as far as unemployment numbers. They say the reason for this is that women are disproportionately represented in state and local governments –Read… Read more »