Posts Tagged: jobs

“I Don’t Care About Anyone But Me” – Hyper-Local Gov 2.0

As I’ve been sitting in on sessions at CityCamp Raleigh, there’s one recurring statement that I’ve heard: “I don’t care what’s going on in [insert neighboring town/city here]. I want information that’s directly relevant to me.” It’s really a variation of NIMBY (Not In My Backyard) – you and I are heartless about what’s happeningRead… Read more »

Notes from CityCamp Raleigh Day 2 Sessions

Community Supported Agriculture -Pay for share up front – $100 to $600-Fresh, safe food delivered to your neighborhood-“Human” Scale -Careful built ec-osystems to handle pest control -Means more jobs – small farms are labor intensive, more middle class small businesses-200 people, 100 people Adriel Hampton -San Fran has about 50 official Twitter accounts – it’sRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Youtah, Robot Uprisings, and Comic Sans’ Revenge

Having a short week was nice, no? It came quickly, but believe it or not, it’s time for the… Friday Fab 5! Well it’ll be back to the normal grind next week, but in the meantime, why not sit back, relax, and take a reflect on some of the top content here on GovLoop. Today’sRead… Read more »

CityCamp Raleigh – Government Panel

I’m here at CityCamp Raleigh, live blogging today and tomorrow. Below are some notes from the first panel on “Government and Technology Industry Experts.” MODERATOR Kevin Curry, CityCamp Co-Founder PANELISTS Jerry Fralick, CIO for the State of North Carolina Adriel Hampton, Gov 2.0 Radio Gail Roper – City of Raleigh, Chief Information and Community RelationsRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Are state CIOs out of position on health care?

Most people are probably vaguely aware that last year’s Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act requires each state to set up a “health benefit exchange,” where residents can go to compare options and purchase health insurance, by 2014. What people might not realize is that, according to an article in Government Technology, it’s Chief InformationRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up June 03, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Data, data everywhere! Fast Company reports on the EPA’s revamped fuel economy stickers. Across the pond, Making a Difference with Data reports that cycling enthusiast Gregory Williams has been using the open data from Kent County Council to create a cycling parking heat map. Collecting Data Securely at Social Security. Alex Howard reportsRead… Read more »

Health Insurance Exchanges – Should Not Be Confused With the Affordable Care Act

In this edition of The Gallery, Dr. Wade F. Horn, Ph.D., a director in Deloitte’s State Government group discusses the potential impact of health insurance exchanges. The creation of health insurance exchanges are part of a new set of state health care requirements outlined in the Patient Protection and Affordability Care Act (PPACA). Health careRead… Read more »