Posts Tagged: jobs

Friday Fab Five: Government-ese, Rebuilding Joplin, and How to Woo a Govie

Before you clock out for a long Memorial Day weekend, be sure to check out the… Friday Fab 5! Yes, it’s Friday yet again, and I’m sure everyone is itching to get away (if you haven’t already). So before you break out the barbeque, it’s time to take a look back at the week hereRead… Read more »

“A Reason to Put Your Shoes On In The Morning” – An Air Force Pilot’s Thoughts on Memorial Day

Happy Memorial Day! What does everyone have planned for this weekend? As I take this time off for Memorial Day, I’ll be thinking of the service men and women who gave their lives for our freedom and safety. But I’m also happy to work with a number of men and women at HP who haveRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 27, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Good thing Corridor is up and running. Due to budget cuts, Federal CIO Kundra has pulled the plug on FedSpace She said to wiki this way. Syracuse University Professor Ines Mergel has published a report with the Center on using Wikis in the federal government: “Using Wikis in Government: A Guide for PublicRead… Read more »

High Performance Clusters – Unleashing an Innovation Nation

Image via Wikipedia When setting up as an prototype example of Open Government, I was keenly motivated by a number of ideas from other sources, in particular Cisco’s ‘Next Generation Cluster’. First, other ideas that went in included one that was the real ‘secret sauce’ – Forward Commitment Procurement. This is one of thoseRead… Read more »

We’re on GovLoop

GovLoop is my favourite example of tailoring a social web community towards a particular audience. It’s absolutely the best medium for catalyzing new ideas and spreading best practices at the speed of thought. I have set up a new group to cater for our forthcoming Open Government Canada webinar, you can virtually meet and greetRead… Read more »

Mayer on The Free Law Reporter: Open Access to the Law and Beyond

John Mayer of the Center for Computer-Assisted Legal Instruction (CALI) has posted The Free Law Reporter – Open Access to the Law and Beyond, on the VoxPopuLII Blog, published by the Legal Information Institute at Cornell University Law School. In this post, Mr. Mayer describes The Free Law Reporter, CALI’s new free and open databaseRead… Read more »

“Post-9/11 Generation” of Public Companies Targeted for Acquisition

From KippsDeSanto Market Pulse: By Michael J. Misantone Director, KippsDeSanto & Co. Posted on May 26th, 2011 Posted under: Aerospace/Defense, Government Services, Mergers & Acquisitions Ares,IPO,Providence Equity Partners,SRA Several public companies in the aerospace, defense, and government services universe have been the targets of acquisitions recently. In April 2011, for example, Providence Equity PartnersRead… Read more »