Posts Tagged: jobs

Are App Contests Sustainable?

On May 2, Government Technology published a great article called Apps Contest Winners Need Better Government Data to Sustain Innovative Services. It was a very well-written article about the challenges of sustaining the make-data-available-for- private-sector-innovators model. By now, many of us are aware of events like Apps for Democracy, an app developing contest in WashingtonRead… Read more »

Power lines

The RSA have just published a rather interesting paper that is well worth a flick through. The paper argues that the government’s efforts to build the Big Society are too focused on citizen-led service delivery. An approach based on utilising and building people’s social networks, which largely determine our ability to create change and influenceRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Snag a Summer Job

If you are a student, or know of one who is looking for a summer job, why not consider federal government work? Federal agencies have summer job openings for students and recent college graduates – and not all of the openings are in our nation’s capital! Did you know that each year federal agencies lookRead… Read more »

Bridging the Gap (or a Saturday “kind of” doing work)

As a way to spend a Saturday I should really spend with my family and doing chores, attending the Bridging the Gap Think Tank wasn’t too bad an option. Sure, family is (almost) always better, but I’m passionate about this stuff. I was surprised to find there was a rather heavier presence of government folkRead… Read more »

Government can’t solve budget battles? Let citizens do it.

This article on participatory budgeting (PB) by Daniel Altschuler and Josh Lerner appeared in the Christian Science Monitor site on April 5, 2011. Intro text for the article: “In recent weeks, Americans have watched budget battles tear apart Congress and state governments. This may be just the beginning.” See the original article with all liveRead… Read more »

AFFIRM Luncheon: GSA, a Government Rockstar

I had the pleasure of attending yesterday’s AFFIRM luncheon which featured a panel of incredible government rockstars from GSA. The discussion took a look at GSA’s integrated technology services and what the future looks like. Government Rockstar, Marie Davie, GSA’s Assistant Commissioner for Integrated Technology Services and Federal Acquisition Services led a panel which consistedRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – May 20, 2011

This week’s version isn’t the shortest ever, that’s for sure. Feel free to add more links in the comments section! “New York Releases ‘Road Map for the Digital City’” (HT Alex Howard’s Tweet on Twitter) Also see: “With a new road map, New York City aims to be the nation’s premier digital city” Report: “UsingRead… Read more »