Posts Tagged: jobs

Recruitment 411: Real Life Recruiting in a Virtual World

Today’s guest blogger is Frank Stipe; Frank manages the IRS Recruitment Office’s virtual recruitment program. We invite you to reach out to Frank in Second Life, where he’s known as RobinRasperry Sorbet. In today’s world, word-of-mouth is still the most powerful and trusted communications channel. In Second Life, IRS takes word-of-mouth marketing to the nextRead… Read more »

IBM report: Using Wikis in Government: A Guide for Public Managers

IBM The Center for Business in Government has just published my first research report on “Using Wikis in Government: A Guide for Public Managers” in their Using Technology section. You can download a pdf version of the report here. Here is a short description of the report from the IBM website: Public leaders face theRead… Read more »

Washington gets $23m for health insurance exchange

Washington has received a $23 million federal grant to create a new health insurance exchange through the state’s Health Care Authority plan. The health insurance exchange is a key component of federal health care reform and builds on a series of recent legislative and funding moves designed to create a comprehensive response to health careRead… Read more »

Why Implementing the Plain Writing Act Will Take Decades

“In just a few more years, the current homogenized voice of business—the sound of mission statements and brochures—will seem as contrived and artificial as the language of the 18th century French court.” – The Cluetrain Manifesto “In just a few more years” – if only that were true. Unfortunately, this quote was written more thanRead… Read more »

Digitizing the Big Apple

From ‘The Big Apple’ and ‘Empire City’ to ‘Gotham’ and ‘The City That Never Sleeps,’ New York City has worn many hats over the years. With the release of NYC Digital‘s roadmap, NYC hopes to add ‘The Digital City’ to its nickname collection. Last week, Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Chief Digital Officer Rachel Sterne announcedRead… Read more »

What Skills Do Future Feds Need? Win Free Tickets For Your Answer!

Government is certainly changing but getting the job done can’t change. Human Capital and getting good people into government is becoming increasingly more important and hard at the same time. Never fear though GovLoop wants to help you out with FREE tickets to an awesome conference: FPMI’s Annual Human Capital Management Conference & Expo. JustRead… Read more »

Introducing the “Federal Buzz,” a Column for the Washington Post!

Great news out of GovLoop this week! Beginning today (but from now on, appearing on Fridays), I’m going to be writing a column called the “Federal Buzz” for the Washington Post. These pieces will recap just what govies have been saying about a hot topic or major issue during the previous week and will beRead… Read more »

Are App Contests Sustainable?

On May 2, Government Technology published a great article called Apps Contest Winners Need Better Government Data to Sustain Innovative Services. It was a very well-written article about the challenges of sustaining the make-data-available-for- private-sector-innovators model. By now, many of us are aware of events like Apps for Democracy, an app developing contest in WashingtonRead… Read more »

Power lines

The RSA have just published a rather interesting paper that is well worth a flick through. The paper argues that the government’s efforts to build the Big Society are too focused on citizen-led service delivery. An approach based on utilising and building people’s social networks, which largely determine our ability to create change and influenceRead… Read more »