Posts Tagged: jobs

Joining faberNovel For Some Innovation Fun in NYC and Beyond

If you’ve been reading this blog over the past few months, you’ve probably seen some passing mentions of the company faberNovel and the innovative work they do. I’m excited to announce today that I’m joining them to work as their Head of New York Operations. faberNovel is a very interesting company. (I personally think ofRead… Read more »

Towards Large-Scale Sustainability: Wal-Mart Goes Green

How do you change the way a multinational corporation does business? Simplify the message. Could the same tactic work for Federal agencies? It is well-known to many Americans that Wal-Mart has been taking steps towards sustainability for the past few years. Wal-Mart, like many companies, saw that ‘going green’ was good for the environment, andRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Enid, Oklahoma’s Interactive Web Presence

A couple weeks ago, I had the chance to participate in Gov 2.0a / CityCampOKC in Oklahoma City. While there, I met Derrick Silas of Enid, OK. I had heard from folks like Sid Burgess that Derrick was doing some innovative things in Enid, but I hadn’t spent any time on their website…until right afterRead… Read more »

The Interview Process for Tenure-Track Faculty

The Academic Job Search: Faculty If there is any career where you can be “voted off the island,” it is as a college professor. Both of my parents are college professors, and I recently had a great conversation with my dad about the hiring process for tenure-track faculty in colleges and universities. The process I’mRead… Read more »

On-the-Fly Solutions Deliver Value

Take a look at the photo. Look odd? Well, it still brought value. At a recent Young Government Leaders meeting, we had two people calling in by phone. Unfortunately, each phone could only support one call. We had a problem, but we solved it. We put the phones next to each other. The people wereRead… Read more »

What does Wiki Government mean for me?

And by me, I mean you. I want you to ask this, especially if you’re a Government minister and even more so if you’re a citizen. In their Digital City leadership paper, New York CIty blends together a business strategy with new media technologies, and they also describe the use of “Crowdsourcing” techniques, such asRead… Read more »

Summer Internships Might Just Help You Land a Clearance, And a Job

It’s that magical time of year, when all across the Washington, D.C. area hemlines get shorter, the crowds at the happy hours get younger, and interns start arriving in offices across the city. As someone who’s lived in Washington, D.C. for seven years now (wow – I’ve almost gone native), I’ve become quite used toRead… Read more »

Social Media in Government 101 Course Description, with Bibliography – Your Thoughts?

A few months ago, I was approached by a university and asked if I could teach a Social Media class. Though I have not committed to teaching the class (those of you who grade papers will know why), I have put together a rough outline of what I’d like to cover, how I’d structure theRead… Read more »

Finally a Conference for Me… and for YOU: NGGS

I love conferences. No seriously, I do. They give you the chance to hear from amazing people, learn new things, and meet awesome people! In my short time working full time after college, I’ve attended my share of amazing conferences, but now there’s one for young people like me..and like you. Young Govie? Just startingRead… Read more »

New York release road map to becoming a digital city

Yesterday, New York City released its “Road Map for the Digital City: Achieving New York City’s Digital Future.” For those who missed the announcement, especially those concerned about the digital economy, the future of government and citizen services, the document is definitely worth downloading and scanning. At the heart of the document sits a roadRead… Read more »