Posts Tagged: jobs

NYC Digital – Cloud Roadmap for the Digital City

The Canadian Federal Government has defined a road map for their adoption of Cloud Computing, and the type of capabilities this can enable is powerfully articulated through New York’s Roadmap for the Digital City (65-page PDF). This really does offer the poster child reference model for Digital Economy innovation leadership. Their program blends together foundationsRead… Read more »

SLA 2011: Don’t Miss the DGI Programming Coming Your Way in Philadelphia this June

SLA’s Division of Government Information is sponsoring (or co-sponsoring) the following programs and events at SLA’s 2011 Annual Conference in Philadelphia this summer. This is an exciting slate of programs that includes four SPOTLIGHT programs and a NEED TO KNOW program, as well as an unconference session. For more detailed DGI program and event information,Read… Read more »

How Federal Pensions Might Be Targeted

Political Cartoon for Blog Washington Post Reporter Ed O’Keefe discusses how federal pensions might be targeted by a bipartisan fiscal commission: After years of fighting for and against it, the White House and congressional negotiators are seriously discussing the possibility of forcing at least some federal employees to pay more towards their retirement pension. AsRead… Read more »

Advice to Chief Operating Officers: Connect the Dots!

When Donald Rumsfield was in the Pentagon, his staff talked about his incessant memos asking for information or direction action as “snowflakes.” Well, there’s a blizzard of memos and guidance coming from the White House on a range of management improvement and cost-cutting initiatives. Is this an opportunity to connect the dots? It is notRead… Read more »

GovBytes: Is Cloud Computing The LeBron James of Technology?

According to Steve Towns at Government Technology,”cloud computing” is among the developments that have received the most attention in government in recent memory. It is, one might say, the LeBron James of government technology… lots of hype, but no championships… yet Cloud Computing Meets Reality It’s hard to think of a technology that’s received moreRead… Read more »

Mitt’s big Monday, Blago, draft EO, super PAC news, and more political law links

BLAGO TRIAL UPDATE. The Times. “Disgraced former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich did not want to mix fundraising and governing, a former aide said on Monday, but other witnesses said political donations and government favors were linked.” COALITION AGAINST DRAFT EO. Story here. “In a letter sent Monday to Obama, groups such as the U.S. ChamberRead… Read more »

What personal characteristics help performance in the civil service (vs. the private sector)?

Can you think of behaviors or traits that might make you say, “Hey this person would make a great civil servant!” Or conversely, would cause you to say “Hey, this person needs to start their own business, they really might not fit in with the government?” I am giving a speech to the JSSA EmploymentRead… Read more »