Posts Tagged: jobs

Conservatives and Liberals (Feb 2010 listserv discussion)

Here is the transcript of a rich conversation we had on NCDD’s Discussion list in February 2010 with the subject “Conservatives and Liberals,” initiated by Pete Peterson. A big thank-you to Martin Carcasson for keeping track of these posts and sharing his archive! All, For those who may be interested in how Conservatives see theRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – May 13, 2011

“Open government requires accessibility, not just data, specialists say” “Making important agency information easy to find online can also be a key factor in improving the agency’s public image, said General Services Administration digital government specialist Sheila Campbell.” “Open Government Philadelphia: an initiative and policy paper from Councilman Bill Green” The post has “his 10Read… Read more »

All Your Questions Answered from “Find the Right GovGig For You” Training

My recent webinar, Find the Right GovGig for You, was a smash hit with over 400 participants. I got over 40 unique questions, and am responding to them all here in this gigantic blog post. There are a few that I’m not best qualified to answer, so I’d love anyone who works in federal HRRead… Read more »

Chat with a minister on how councils and the voluntary sector can transform public services

How can councils capitalise on the strength of the voluntary sector to transform public services? Baroness Hanham, from the Department of Communities of Local Government, will take part in a web discussion between 24 and 26 May exploring how councils and the voluntary sector can work more closely together. She will be using the LocalRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Silent Assassins, Esoteric Boxes, and How to Put the ‘Go’ in eGov

It’s that time of the week again. It’s the… Friday Fab 5! Happy Friday the 13th. Yes, it is that special day which we all secretly dread yet again, but I wouldn’t worry too much. Last I heard, reading the Friday Fab 5 is supposed to give a person extra luck on days like this.Read… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 13, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Who writes at Who Runs Gov? Josh Shpayher, who runs GovSM, now writes for BeltWiki, the blog of Who Runs Gov. His articles appear on Fridays (too late for WRU), but his post from last week is so good, it crossed the Weekend Barrier: “Measuring Social Media influence on Capitol Hill.” Looking forwardRead… Read more »

Recap of 2011 NASCIO Midyear Conference

INPUT Analyst Erin Brady reports on last week’s NASCIO conference. I had the opportunity to attend the 2011 National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO) Midyear Conference on May 5 and 6, 2011. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet with vendors and state chief information officers and hear their take on past, current,Read… Read more »

Interested in Cyber Security? Read (and support) the new Cybersecurity Legislative Proposal

On 12 May 2011 the Obama Administration unveiled its cybersecurity legislative proposal. The entire proposal is available for your review at this link: cybersecurity legislative proposal. But I most strongly recommend you read the context provided by the government’s Cybersecurity Coordinator and Special Assistant to the President Howard Schmidt first. Howard provided a clear introductionRead… Read more »

Code for America Fellows at OpenGovWest

Four Code for America fellows are excited to be attending OpenGovWest ’11, North America’s West Coast Open Government conference. Jeremy Canfield, Max Ogden, Alan Palazzolo and Chach Sikes will be speaking on several panels, and checking out the code-a-thon and unconference on Saturday. Sessions include: Open Source & Community Sourcing: How sharing code is improvingRead… Read more »

14 Quotes on Why You Should Attend Next Generation of Government Summit

***Part of our blog series as we gear up for July 28/29th GovLoop/Young Government Leaders Next Generation of Government Summit*** It’s a big commitment to take off 2 days of work and spend training money to go a training conference like the GovLoop/Young Government Leaders Next Generation of Government Summit. Before I sign up toRead… Read more »