Posts Tagged: jobs in the classroom: Government 2.0 syllabus in the classroom features resources for K-12, Universities, and Education in the World. Among them is Karim Lakhani’s case study developed at Harvard Business School, Beth Noveck’s Democracy Design Workshop Do Tank, and now also my Government 2.0 syllabus. I have been teaching this class for the last three years and the onlineRead… Read more »

What if the public could watch and hear you work?

A recent article in Government Technology reported that a Florida mayor, concerned about someone stealing items from his office, installed $8,000 worth of surveillance cameras in his office – at taxpayer expense. Leaving the details of this case (and the related investigation) aside, the story brings up an intriguing question. How would any of usRead… Read more »

Project Management in Government

Skilled project managers with Project Management Professional(PMP®) certification are in demand in virtually every industry, and are increasingly sought-after by government agencies. While many aspects of government project management are similar to those found in the private sector, there are some specific challenges that project managers in government positions will face. PMP® Challenges and OpportunitiesRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Week – May 6, 2011

“NJ court: High costs is denial of access; awards atty’s fees” (The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press) (HT Virginia Coalition for Open Government email) “[Quincy] Massachusetts Turns on Camera for Court Proceedings” ( “The initiative, called “OpenCourt,” incorporates digital technology such as video streams and live broadcasts and makes the media available onRead… Read more »

AFGE Celebrates National Nurses Week with Renewed Fight to Strengthen Voice at Work for Federal Health Care Professionals

The American Federation of Government Employees (AFGE) is proud to honor the work of nurses throughout the federal government as it celebrates National Nurses Week, May 6–May 12. AFGE represents thousands of nurses nationwide at VA medical centers, military hospitals, federal correctional facilities and other federal health care sites. These dedicated health care professionals areRead… Read more »

Oklahoma, where the tech comes sweepin’ down the plain…

There is a conference going on right now in Oklahoma (Gov 2.0a) related to government and technology… The second annual Gov 2.0a conference is focused on applications of technology to government problems. The conference will be a forum to learn about successful Gov 2.0 applications through case studies, to learn about best practices for GovRead… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Govie Love, Conspiracy Theories, and the Lucky Number 5

What better way to celebrate the end of Public Service Appreciation Week than the… Friday Fab Five! For all of the public service men and women out there, today’s Friday Fab 5 is dedicated to you. And if you haven’t already, there’s still time to stop by to share your messages of appreciation andRead… Read more »

Winning Business from the Federal Government – Part 6

Today I offer my final two tips to help you win business from the Federal Government. I hope you have found these tips valuable and that your green business will find success in doing business with the government. As I mentioned in my first post, I do not consider myself an expert, but the CEILRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: May 06, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda This week, a lot of Social Media in Government stories came to my attention. The first two are older, but they set the stage: Take the Fear out of Using Social Media for Government, in which Sue Reynolds talks about the value of engaging people through social media, and reminds government leaders toRead… Read more »