Posts Tagged: jobs

War Dogs: Who Pulls Fido’s String?

Here is a great photo essay from Foreign Policy Magazine. You might have heard that there is specualtion that man’s best friend accompanied soldiers during the recent Osama Bin Laden take down. Apparently K-9’s have been hard at work with America’s military and even part of the Airborne since the 1930’s. So….I hate to stateRead… Read more »

Accessing PACER Cases Free of Charge

A procedure for accessing full text judicial decisions free of charge on PACER — the U.S. federal courts’ database of court decisions and litigation materials — has been posted by Mark Rosch. The procedure has been recently discussed by Nick Moline of Justia. Oddly, this procedure does not seem to be mentioned in the FAQRead… Read more »

Customer Satisfaction… In Government?

On April 27th President Obama issued an Executive Order that shook the public sector… You can read this ground breaking direction here, but the gist is that we need to improve customer service in government. Not feeling shaken? Not stirred? I’m not shocked. Since 1993, all three Presidents from both parties have added their personalRead… Read more »

Need to find a venue for an Event?

Hi Everyone! My name is Laura and I am with Cvent; the market leader in Event Management Software. We have a completely free venue selection tool which helps meeting planners find event space and room blocks for any and all events. The Cvent Supplier Network has over 150,000 venues worldwide, in which you can submitRead… Read more »

Room for the halves

Sometimes I wonder if we’ve forgotten that non geeks can have good ideas too. Forgotten that it’s not just developers who see opportunities to make things better. In local government, the deelopers are so far away from the front line that they need analysts in the middle to translate. The same, I think is trueRead… Read more »

We need to ask for more VPATs

Here is another post from Accessibility Forum 2.0 blog by Terry Weaver. The biggest problem with buying accessible electronic and information technology in the Federal government isn’t bad VPATs (or other 508 conformance documentation); it is the fact that we don’t even ask most of the time! As part of GSA’s sampling of Fed BizRead… Read more »

Osama bin Laden and Public Service Recognition Week

Does anyone else find it interesting that the day bin Laden was taken down marked the beginning of Public Service Recognition Week? Recently came across this great post from Federal Computer Week blogger Steve Kelman. Steve talks about how many fail to realize that it was indeed govies who took out the high-profile terrorist. Yes,Read… Read more »