Posts Tagged: jobs

The Personal Storyteller – 3 Tips to Improve Your Communications Skills

Article Summary: Everyone is a storyteller. You are a storyteller. You tell personal and professional stories every day. Whether you direct an international association, manage a government program, run a small business, or serve as the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, consider every written, verbal, and social media communication as a business story. YouRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Public Service Recognition Week: A Roundup of How Agencies Are Celebrating

There is no better time than this week, the congressionally designated Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW), to spread a message of praise, reenergize the workforce and perhaps even issue a challenge to forge ahead to make government work better on behalf of the American people. It is critically important for you as a federal leaderRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: We Salute You!!

This week marks the 27th annual Public Service Recognition Week celebration around the country. Budget restrictions are keeping activities on a more subtle scale this year – casualties include the annual street fair on the National Mall in DC. Additionally, the current political atmosphere makes it an interesting time altogether to be a public employee.Read… Read more » – 5 Ways to Give Love to Govies!

Welcome to one of my favorite weeks of the year: Public Service Recognition Week! While GovLoop connects, honors, and highlights the work of public servants like you every day, I love that there’s a designated week every year where we get to show you some mad love and appreciation (Thanks Partnership for Public Service forRead… Read more »

Storm Clouds on the Horizon?

This post sponsored by the Enterprise CIO Forum and HP. The recent Amazon cloud outage at its Northern Virginia data center will raise concerns among CIO’s looking to the “public cloud” to improve IT service delivery and reduce day-to-day operating costs. Industry claims of superior “up-time” performance, reliability and massive redundancy must now be revisitedRead… Read more »