Posts Tagged: jobs

10 Ideas on Streamlining Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service

On Wednesday, President Obama announced an Executive Order to “Streamline Service Delivery and Improving Customer Service.” I agree that citizens’ expectations of government are increasing and I think having focus on energy on the topic is really important. The good news is there is a lot of examples/ideas for agencies out there across government. Here’sRead… Read more »

Introducing the Government Big Data Newsletter

The Government Big Data Newsletter grew out of the first Government Big Data Forum. The newsletter is meant to contribute to dialog in-between our in-person meetings, and will supplement information that is provided here on our Big Data articles. The newsletter is being produced in both hardcopy and electronic versions. Our intent is toRead… Read more »

When Public Housing Authority Management Means Document Management

If you’re a regular reader, you’ve probably wondered “Why does Terri get so jazzed about document management and government?” For the most part, it comes down to three words: public housing authorities (PHAs). PHAs? If yes, you know why I think document management’s a game changer in government. The legislation creating public housing and authoritiesRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Playing to Employees’ Strengths: Talking Leadership with Comptroller General Gene Dodaro

U.S. Comptroller General Gene L. Dodaro is head of the Government Accountability Office (GAO), an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the “congressional watchdog,” GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars. Comptroller General Dodaro helps oversee the development and issuance of hundreds of reports and testimonies each year to variousRead… Read more »

Project of Week –

I ran into a few months back and I thought it was a fascinating government-sponsored health site with a really innovative model of how it syndicates content. Thus, I reached out to here a little more about the project and here we go…Thanks to HHS team for taking the time to tell us theRead… Read more »

Facebook and Republicans, alternative engine news, draft EO issues, and #tcamp11 is coming in today’s political law links

DOES FACEBOOK OWE THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE? RedState has a post here about President Obama’s recent event at Facebook headquarters. “When the GOP has a nominee, Facebook should be fair and give the GOP nominee equal time.” FORMER SENATOR COLEMAN MOVES. Politico has the news. “Former Republican Sen. Norm Coleman is headed to law/lobbying powerhouse HoganRead… Read more »

3 “Sunny” Transparency Websites You Should Know About

Sunshine Review They’re “a non-profit organization dedicated to state and local government transparency. The Sunshine Review wiki collects and shares transparency information and uses a ‘10-point Transparency Checklist‘ to evaluate the content of every state and more than 5,000 local government websites” (more about them/source; emphasis added). Sunlight Foundation It’s open government in action. MajorRead… Read more »