Posts Tagged: jobs

Unique Business Card Makes You Unforgettable

I met Colin, the CEO of E Group at a regional government contractors conference. After a great conversation, we exchanged business cards. As per my norm, I looked at the card front and then back. Lo and behold, I was compelled to read the back. I discovered Colin’s personal statement (see images below). I excitedlyRead… Read more »

Open Government Canada

Our focus on the adoption of Open Government within Canada can be accessed at Fundamentally this fledgling practice has had two major landmark events to date: 1) The Open Government Resolution by the Privacy Commissioner, and 2) Beth Noveck addressing the parliament on March 2, 2011. In this address Beth lays out a bestRead… Read more » – Startup America Needs You!

Recently I launched the Open RFP Network: My primary inspiration for this was the Peer to Patent portal. When I first read Beth’s white paper about the transformation of the patent application process I realized that ultimately this would be applied to all government processes. Why keep slow, offline and expensive by a few,Read… Read more »

Wiki Government : Replicating the Peer to Patent portal

The Peer to Patent portal is a headline example of the potential of Open Government “in the Cloud”, and the first project that defined “Wiki Government”. It illustrates how Open Government is not just about more open reporting for people to passively look at, it’s actually about re-engineering the process itself, to deliver considerable efficiencyRead… Read more »

REGISTER TODAY: National Press Club Event for Government Librarians Hosted by LexisNexis

Register now for a special breakfast event at the National Press Club especially for government librarians hosted by LexisNexis. PROGRAM: e-Initiatives and e-Efforts: Expanding Our Horizons DATE: Thursday, April 28, 2011 TIME: 8:00 ¬ 11:00 a.m. Sign-in and continental breakfast begin at 8:30 a.m. Presentation begins promptly at 9:00 a.m. Guest speakers for this eventRead… Read more »

The Key Role of Front Line Managers

Bob Stone, the head of Vice President Gore’s reinventing government initiative, focused his attention on what was going on at the front line. He said helping them understand and get their jobs done was the most important activity of a leader. That insight led to the creation of both Hammer Awards and Reinvention Labs asRead… Read more »

BRAC and the Mark Center

So, I’m following the quickly moving story of the Mark Center and a potential Fairfax County lawsuit for several reasons – the Mark Center is one exit away from my house, I used to live in Cystal City, I tend to follow all things BRAC for my job…and I love fairies. I suppose the countyRead… Read more »

LocalGovCamp tickets available!

LocalGovCamp is coming back to Birmingham on the 18th June! 200 of the most innovative and creative people in the local government sector will be coming together on a Saturday to talk about making things better – sometimes with technology, sometimes not. LocalGovCamp is an unconference – basically a conference that’s fun. There’s no agendaRead… Read more »