Posts Tagged: jobs

Member of the Week: David Dejewski

This week’s featured member is David Dejewski – check out his awesomeness! 1. What was your path to public service? Serving my community has seemed pretty important to me since I was a kid. I was 7 yrs old when I witnessed some “older” kids set fire to a field behind my house. I soundedRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: GSA’s Federal Cloud Computing Program

Government Rockstar Mary Davie has been posting Projects of the Week for some time now…but this is the first time I’ve been able to catch up with her after she started her new role as GSA’s Assistant Commissioner for the Office of Integrated Technology Services (ITS). Below is a quick Q&A that highlights GSA’s effortsRead… Read more »

Visual Camp – Bringing policy makers and creatives to tell stories through visuals

Are you a policymaker who’s interested in how visuals could help communicate the policies/issues you’re working on? Or are you a designer/creative who’s good at using visuals to communicate issues and would like to know how you could work with public services and civil society to communicate policies & issues? Do you want to meetRead… Read more »

April is National County Government Month

“National County Government Month (NCGM) is celebrated each April by the nation’s counties to raise public awareness and understanding about the roles and responsibilities of county government. The 2011 theme is ‘Serving Our Veterans, Armed Forces and Their Families.’ More than 1,000 counties participate in NCGM each year by hosting a variety community outreach eventsRead… Read more »

GAO Outlines National Indicator System

GAO revisited a report it did in 2004 on creating a comprehensive indicator system to track the progress of our nation’s economy, people’s health, social well-being, and the environment. GAO looks at 20 different system used by other countries and by states and localities and offers a road map on how to develop a nationalRead… Read more »

Mobile Decisions | To App or Not to App, That is the Question

I will get some of this wrong. I am undoubtedly leaving much out. I am oversimplifying. However, as mobile development in the federal government continues to ramp up, tools to help agencies and individuals assess how (and when) to intelligently proceed are increasingly important. Recognizing that every situation is unique, an understanding of a fewRead… Read more »

The Biggest Barrier to Great Customer Service? Egos!

I had an interesting discussion with an esteemed colleague about my last blog post on making sure portal sites add value. One of my suggestions was to adopt a common design and publication standards across all agencies covered by the portal. He said, “Here’s a fact…every government entity will do what is in its bestRead… Read more »

Fierce pride

I’m not sure if I am still allowed to say where I work but what the hell. The Local Government Chronicle 50 has made me smile, made me go ‘oh wow’ and made me so epically proud to work for Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council. I was proud before. I’ve said it before a longRead… Read more »

Top 4 Relationship Myths at the Workplace by Sandra Crowe

Top 4 Relationship Myths at the Workplace by Sandra Crowe Being Nice Always Gets You Ahead- Being nice is great, but if it is perceived as insincere or artificial you will be sniffed out immediately. Instead of niceness focus on listening; the ability to listen will move you further in your relationships than the desireRead… Read more »

In Search of Ideas: How Counties and Towns are Trying to Tap Citizens’ Smarts

***Part of our month-long series on Creating a Digital City with PDF – Check out all our analysis*** Karen Wilkerson is the city administrator for tiny De Leon, Tex., and her job won’t be getting any easier anytime soon. Like localities across the country, De Leon, a town of 2,433 as of the 2000 U.S.Read… Read more »