Posts Tagged: jobs

Call For Volunteers for Better Government IT Working Group – Due April 22

On December 9, 2010 the U.S. Chief Information Officer Vivek Kundra released a “25 Point Implementation Plan to Reform Federal Information Technology Management.” Many of the points in this plan are consistent with recommendations previously made by ACT-IAC. One of these recommendations, and a major priority in the Administration’s plan, is to improve communications betweenRead… Read more »

Gilligan’s Island-Keep Government Open-A Three hour Tour

After averting a government shutdown one hour before the deadline, Open Government has more of a platform to thrive and become a business solution to Government like never before. Using our new parody, and following the theme of Gilligan’s Island, after nearly averting a “ship wreck”, (Government shutdown), Open Government has potentially become the newRead… Read more »

New York Public Meetings Now More Open

Change to the Law As of Friday (April 1, 2011), the following is now part of the Open Meetings Law [Public Officers Law, Article 7, Section 103, subdivision (d)]: “1. Any meeting of a public body that is open to the public shall be open to being photographed, broadcast, webcast, or otherwise recorded and/or transmittedRead… Read more »

Don’t Confuse the Genre for the Medium

Neal Ungerleider wrote a a funny piece on Fast Company about the State Department’s new Tumblr blog this morning, including a few suggestions on how the State Department could be more Tumblry by jumping on some of Tumblr’s most popular trends. It’s a great piece of writing, and it also says exactly what I wasRead… Read more »

Fine. You Do It. (.com)

I put together a site called ‘‘. Govlooper’s can go and post the things that they will need citizens to be doing for the country over the next few weeks. So post some stuff and show people what the “government” does for them everyday. Enjoy!

A Shutdown Is No Cake Walk For Contractors

Let’s face it a shutdown affects everyone. I don’t think anyone would say that federal workers aren’t at the forefront of the shutdown battlefield but don’t forget about your average citizen and yes gov’t contractors. The SECAF, an industry association representing more than 400 small and medium government contractors conducted a survey over the lastRead… Read more »

Open Government Links of the Past Week (or so) – April 8, 2011

Here’s some links related to open government for the past week or so. Enjoy! “Happy One Year Anniversary! A Year of Progress in Open Government“ “Though it’s being overshadowed by the budget discussions this week, it’s important to note (and celebrate!) that today (April 7th) is the one year anniversary of Agency Open Government Plans.”Read… Read more »

The Why of Social Media (part 2)

When thinking about citizen and employee engagement and how we can all work together to address complex issues such as climate change, homelessness and healthcare, to name a few, consider what motivates people and how we can enable them to do what they do best: contribute. Understanding human motivation is the foundation of improving citizenRead… Read more »

Is Amazon’s Cloud Drive Ready for the Enterprise?

Last week Amazon announced a new cloud-based, consumer-oriented service offering called Amazon Cloud Drive. According to the company, the Cloud Drive is “your hard drive in the cloud.” It will allow users to store “music, videos, photos and documents online and access them from anywhere.” Cloud Drive let people store up to five gigabytes ofRead… Read more »