Posts Tagged: jobs

Government Innovation Launchpad

Check out how one group is tapping into the crowd to get ideas for how to better Government: A platform designed to significantly open-up the public sector marketplace to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Included in the package was the concept of Product Surgeries – opportunities for SMEs to “pitch” innovative products and servicesRead… Read more »

Austin City Limits: What’s Holding Back Government Innovation in Austin, Texas?

***Part of our month-long series on Creating a Digital City with PDF – Check out all our analysis*** As municipalities across the country are exploring how to use the Internet to make theirs better places to live, some winning combinations of talent, policy and technology are beginning to emerge — as are problems with otherRead… Read more »

I’m Proud to be a Civil Servant (even with a looming shutdown)!

It’s impossible to ignore the resentment, anger, and distrust towards Federal employees that permeates our society these days – especially if you happen to be a Federal employee. Our elected officials, reporters, and think tanks have jumped on government workers in an effort to raise their own stature and exposure. Federal employees, whose salaries accountRead… Read more »

Shutdown Delay Equals a Second Chance for Contractors

Authored by GovWin’s Lindley Ashline If you’re a government contractor, the two-week continuing resolution passed by Congress this week to temporarily prevent a government shutdown is a second chance to prepare for the consequences such a shutdown would bring. Experts at today’s Instant Webinar, “Surviving a Government Shutdown,” shared some background on how shutdownsRead… Read more »

Shutdown: Some Govies Still Get Paid – Do You?

Great article from GovExec that explains quickly how pay could work: Pay for SomeBy Emily Long As a possible government shutdown approaches, so too does the possibility of federal employees being furloughed and stuck without a paycheck. But some government workers could continue to receive their salaries as usual if new legislation garners congressional support.Read… Read more »

Technology Firms at the DoDIIS Worldwide

As a former DoDIIS CTO, one of my favorite things at the yearly DoDIIS Worldwide Conference is the expo floor. Visiting the many vendors and government displays there is a great way to get a snapshot of available technology. Firms that show technology at DoDIIS bring capabilities that are ready to go now. And, forRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Don’t talk about it, tweet about it.

Thanks to Twitter, it’s as easy to keep up with your favorite celebrity as it is to stay in touch with your best friend. An estimated 200 million users send more than 65 million tweets every day. These days, if you want people to talk about it, you should tweet about it. Our Twitter approachRead… Read more »