Posts Tagged: jobs

Tort reform passes in Oklahoma

Oklahoma passed a set of bills designed to bring tort reform to the state. The bills were a central part of Governor Mary Fallin’s campaign, who claims that tort reform is critical to job-creation. The bills provide for caps to damage awards and also determine degrees of fault in a case. Awardees will also beRead… Read more »

Why We Recommended Tumblr for the New Blog

Early last month, quietly launched the new blog on Tumblr. The launch was the result of six months of hard work by the team transitioning their previous blog (called GovGab) into a refreshed blog. We’re proud to have worked on this project for two key reasons: is the first federalRead… Read more »


Pär J. Larsson 846 F Ave Apt C Coronado, CA EDUCATION Master of Science in International Relations National Security Studies Troy State University 2003 (3.9 GPA) Bachelor of Science in Foreign Service International Economics Georgetown University 1996 (3.4 GPA) LANGUAGES Swedish – native speaker, 3/3 English – 2nd language, published writer often used as proofreaderRead… Read more »

Resilience – Using a government shutdown to grow and improve.

Seems like most everybody is asking ‘What am I supposed to do if the government shuts down?’ Which translates into ‘Uuughph, this is going to interrupt my plans for [job execution, spring break, paying bills, financial security…. ]. One thing is sure, a government shutdown will create difficulties; and you can either struggle with theRead… Read more »

Buy The Book: Government Contracts Made Easier

Judy Bradt brings you the secrets to winning US government contracts – whether you’re taking your first steps, or expanding your footprint in pursuit of the world’s largest buyer. Government Contracts Made Easier is loaded with resources that seasoned contractors take years to discover: * Key Concepts: Find out what successful companies master as theyRead… Read more »

“Introducing Me,” The Public Manager’s New Editor

It’s good to have found and made some friends here on GovLoop. People who care about government are pretty special. Many were at the Press Club with me today to pay tribute to David Broder, who taught me and countless others much about the way The System works. If you’re curious about the latest fromRead… Read more »

Happy Birthday, ACUS Chairman! Oh the places we’ll go!

Paul R. Verkuil, the tenth Chairman of the Administrative Conference of the United States, was sworn in by Vice President Biden on April 6, 2010. Today marks the one-year anniversary of the President Emeritus of the College of William & Mary and former Dean of the Tulane and Cardozo Law Schools’ appointment to lead theRead… Read more »

Creating “Virtual Agencies”

When I worked for Vice President Gore’s reinventing government initiative, he told us “don’t move the boxes, fix what’s inside the boxes.” He also talked expansively about creating “virtual agencies” organized around the needs of each individual citizen. We had no idea what he was talking about when he was describing the Virtual Department ofRead… Read more »