Posts Tagged: jobs

The Federal Coach: Obama Asks Federal Employees for Their Suggestions on Government Efficiency

“What do you think?” It’s a simple question, but one that federal managers routinely should be asking of their employees if they want an engaged workforce. Last week, President Obama personally asked federal employees in a video message for their ideas about how to make government more effective and efficient, particularly around efforts to increaseRead… Read more »

Simpl – the Social Innovation Marketplace – is open for business

Today is an important day for me and my colleagues, because today Simpl, the Social Innovation Marketplace, opens its doors to the world. Simpl is a website that enables people in government agencies to source innovative ideas for improving public services, and rather than being a funding platform, the marketplace is all about the exchangeRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Invaluable Internships

At many schools, internships have become a required part of the college curriculum. It’s easy to understand why; no class project or case study is ever going to be as valuable as hands-on experience. Many students have very specific career goals – often knowing exactly where they want to work. An internship gives them aRead… Read more »

POPVOX, jets, investigation no fiesta, Microsoft’s journey and more Tuesday political law links

POPVOX. As usual, e.politics enlightens with a link to a piece about a new tool for eadvocacy called PopVox. JETS ON THE TARMAC. The Times reports. “Once a candidacy is official during primary season, and travel requirements become far greater, campaigns usually start with small chartered jets, ‘like a Lear 35 or a Citation II,’Read… Read more »

Federal IT Dashboard Goes Open Source

Last week the White House and the Federal CIO announced that the source code of the cost-saving IT Dashboard has been made available to the public and other government agencies. This first open source release will serve as a starting point for communities of interest to adapt the code to their own needs and developRead… Read more »

If Your Portal Doesn’t Add Value, We’ll Use Google

I remember when I first heard the term, “portal.” The concept of a home page that would aggregate links to content from other sites around themes made so much sense to me. Indeed, it was a huge step in the right direction – more than 10 years ago. Today – many years later – customers’Read… Read more »

The Cloud and Cybersecurity

This post sponsored by the Enterprise CIO Forum and HP. As part of federal CIO Vivek Kundra’s 25-point plan to reform federal IT management announced last December, federal agencies must adopt a “cloud-first” policy that requires them to move three applications to the “cloud” over the next 12 to 18 months. Agencies must identify theRead… Read more »

Govloop Bracket Winners and National Championship Pick (Men’s NCAA Division One Basketball Finals) from the @hokieguru, your bureacrat on sports!!

Good morning, Govloopers… here’s your daily government shutdown update… looks like it’s going to be touch and go. I think we will make it, though, and the government should operate until the end of Fiscal Year 2011. The next battles will be the Fiscal 2012 appropriations process, a vote to extend the budget debt ceiling,Read… Read more »

TMC – Too Much Connection

You ever wonder about the first person who bought a fax machine? The first person to buy a cell phone? How about the first person who set up an email account? These early pioneers must have had some difficulty in demonstrating the benefits of these these technologies because of the very small base of users.Read… Read more »