Posts Tagged: jobs

Learning to Love Email

I’ve beaten wikis to death in this space. I’ve presented arguments about how we can use them more effectively, why we need to shift how our organizations look at them, and even tried to explain how enterprise wikis change the traditional relationship between accountability and responsibility. In so doing, I think I may have overlookedRead… Read more »

Innovation and eDiplomacy — The importance of internet freedom and the use of technology to enhance international affairs

This morning, I attended an event at the US Embassy Public Affairs Unit in Canberra designed to discuss matters of eDiplomacy and use of online tools in diplomatic and international affairs efforts. The event, being hosted specifically for an Australian audience by the State Department included a conversation with Alec J Ross (he is @AlecJRossRead… Read more »

Congress cuts Data.Gov

Originally published: Once again someone is doing it wrong on the internet and I feel I need to point it out. In this case, the someone is the United States congress, which as part of its budgetary battle with the whitehouse has decided to reduce funding for a range of Gov2.0/Open Government initiatives fromRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Moving Up the Federal Ranks: Talking with Michael Watkins

Dr. Michael Watkins is a leading expert on accelerating transitions. He is the co-author of The First 90 Days in Government, which has become a classic resource for public-sector leaders taking new roles. Watkins is also the chairman of Genesis Advisers, an executive on-boarding and leadership strategy consultancy, and has previously taught at Harvard University.Read… Read more »

Code for America, federal government release federal IT dashboard for public use

Code for America, in collaboration with OpenPlans and the Federal Government have made the Federal IT Dashboard available for any government entity to use and customize through the organization’s Civic Commons project. The Federal IT Dashboard was launched in 2009 as a means of increasing Federal transparency, and allows users to track $80 billion ofRead… Read more »

Code for America, federal government release federal IT dashboard for public use

Code for America, in collaboration with OpenPlans and the Federal Government have made the Federal IT Dashboard available for any government entity to use and customize through the organization’s Civic Commons project. The Federal IT Dashboard was launched in 2009 as a means of increasing Federal transparency, and allows users to track $80 billion ofRead… Read more »

Hold the Date: National Press Club Event for Government Librarians Hosted by LexisNexis

Mark your calendar for a special breakfast event at the National Press Club especially for government librarians hosted by LexisNexis. PROGRAM: e-Initiatives and e-Efforts: Expanding Our Horizons DATE: Thursday, April 28, 2011 TIME: 8:00 ¬ 11:00 a.m. We have an exciting panel of speakers lined up for this event including: James King, Information Architect atRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Are You Being Too Close Minded About Your Job Search?

Are we being too closed minded when it comes to job searching? In the Washington Post article, “Want a federal government job? Think outside the box” by Derrick T. Dortch, he thinks along with diligence, networking and self-promotion that we need to think outside the box when it comes to the job search. He usesRead… Read more »