Posts Tagged: jobs

Research and Best Preactices eNewsletter

ResearchConnecting with citizens (03/14/2011) – Government executives recognize that citizens are frustrated with government’s ability to fulfill their expectations, according to a survey by the Government Business Council. Opportunities for improvement include helping citizens help themselves, designing seamless multi-channel and cross-channel citizen experiences and listening and engaging proactively. devices and community information (03/14/2011) –Read… Read more »

Business Development, Capture and Marketing

The U.S. government is the world’s largest buyer of goods and services. Targeting the world’s biggest client makes sense for most businesses. But growing your business in the federal contracting space is unlike business development in the commercial sector. The federal process involves registering with several databases, tracking requests for proposal (RFPs), and following aRead… Read more »

Public Servant Day at the Washington Nationals

The Partnership for Public Service, the Public Employees Roundtable and GEICO are hosting “Public Servant Day” at the Washington Nationals on Sunday, May 1 during a 1:35 p.m. game against the 2010 World Series Champions, the San Francisco Giants. The event is part of Public Service Recognition Week (PSRW), an annual celebration of the menRead… Read more »

Budget cuts may end transparency programs

The spending proposal passed in the House last month and considered in the Senate this month would effectively wipe out funding for e-government initiatives, such as and Full story… So, how to all of us who worked on the Transparency Initiative feel about this? Same ole, same ole?

Today’s links re: political law

THE POLITICS OF TRANSPARENCY. The Hill. “The Republican chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee released a report on Wednesday that details what he says are attempts by the Obama administration’s political appointees to thwart and delay the release of information.” 2012 SLOW TO DEVELOP. Politico. CAMPAIGN LEGAL FEES IN THE NEWS. Obama’s.Read… Read more »

Sitting down to be counted

Now we are all counted. The location of everybody in the country on Sunday is plotted with absolute precision. Public services over the coming decade can be fine tuned to take account of who is where. I am in favour of that. I have no problem with the general principle of a census. But theRead… Read more »

Hold the Date: National Press Club Event for Government Librarians Hosted by LexisNexis

Mark your calendar for a special breakfast event at the National Press Club especially for government librarians hosted by LexisNexis. PROGRAM: e-Initiatives and e-Efforts: Expanding Our Horizons DATE: Thursday, April 28, 2011 TIME: 8:00 ¬ 11:00 a.m. We have an exciting panel of speakers lined up for this event including: James King, Information Architect atRead… Read more »

Chicago Inspector General launches OpenGov Initiative (and joins Twitter!)

Chicago Inspector General Joesph Ferguson has just announced a new Open Government Initiative that aims to “promote efficiency, effectiveness and integrity in the City’s operations that can come only from accountability achieved through meaningful public scrutiny.” This is very very good – If you’ve seen my twitter feed you’ve noticed there have been a numberRead… Read more »

What motivates you, I mean really motivates you.

There are often times in your life, when you start to think about the future in a more proactive way than normal, this is something I am very much doing at the moment, as I’m sure many thousands of other local government colleagues are doing. The team I am in are subject to a 50%Read… Read more »