Posts Tagged: jobs

Daily Dose: Is Government The Minor Leagues?

There is an interesting trend happening in government social media circles… they are becoming less and less government and more and more social media. What am I talking about? It seems that social media giants and other private based tech companies are gobbling up government talent. According to the Washington Post Silicon Valley is becomingRead… Read more »

Choose Your Battles and Setting the Limits

In Congress the stakeholders’ desire to put just one more ornament on a piece of legislation leads to “Christmas Tree Bills” which often collapse under their own weight. Trying to pack too much into a project (or our lives) can lead to a diffusion of priorities and efforts. Keeping in mind an instructive saying thatRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: Federal jobs still among most desirable

Universum just released their 2010 American Student Survey’s list of top employers for business majors – the IRS came in at #23. Universum is a marketing and branding firm, which surveyed more than 56,000 students based on their field of study. We’re not trying to brag on ourselves here – several other government agencies madeRead… Read more »

Leadership needed to revive nation’s deteriorating fiscal health

In his latest Gallery column, Deloitte’s Robert Campbell says that political and policy leadership is needed at all levels of government as mounting debt looms large for not only the federal Treasury, but for state and local budgets as well. “The next several weeks are likely to be instructive concerning our financial future,” Mr. CampbellRead… Read more »

Wednesday March 30th: Exclusive Government Security Recruitment Event: TECHEXPO @ GovSec 2011

Don’t Miss TECHEXPO’s Hiring Event at GovSec on Wednesday, March 30th! Interview for your new career at the TECHEXPO Hiring Event @ GovSec, the Exclusive Government Security Event. Bring many resumes and meet with hiring managers for hundreds of positions available in technology, cyber security, emergency response, homeland security, intelligence and more! Wednesday, March 30,Read… Read more »

Take part in academic research about the important work you do

The Public Service Research Panel,, is an online research panel of public service professionals who volunteer to participate in occasional web-based surveys and studies about the important work they do and the organizations they help lead. If you are a government or nonprofit professional, or graduate student planning a career in public service, youRead… Read more »

In praise of ‘hack’ days

I had the good fortune of being present this weekend (26/3/11) at the ‘show and tell’ of the Rewired State ran ‘Hack the government’ day #nhtg11. Before I say more it might be worth making clear what a hack day is. It is not something naughty or dangerous like trying to damage or deface aRead… Read more »

Cyber Report Is Both Revealing and Puzzling

If the sheer volume of initiatives ensured cybersecurity, then the federal government would be one of the tightest entities in the world. Last week’s annual report on Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA) compliance is a paean to the many efforts underway by the Office of Management and Budget. It reiterates: Movement by agencies toRead… Read more »

Public Service Video Contest

The Partnership for Public Service has launched a video contest as part of Public Service Recognition Week! The Challenge: Create a short video depicting the value of government employees and/or what our nation would look like without them. We want contestants, over the age of 18, to consider the vital services performed by government employeesRead… Read more »