Posts Tagged: jobs

Thinking like a hacker – ways to find quick solutions to complex issues

Steve Ressler, Founder and President of GovLoop, presented an interesting perspective recently in his monthly Government Technology column. Quoting Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who defines “hacking” as “an approach to find a shortcut to solve a complex problem,” Ressler noted that he “encourages city and state officials to think about how to hack their cityRead… Read more »

Putting the “Gov” in Web Content Governance

From a small local business to a government agency with international reach, to succeed online, every organization needs a solid plan to create, deliver, and govern its content. Government agencies are some of the largest and highest-profile organizations out there, and have a wealth of content—so having a strategy for getting the most out ofRead… Read more »

Social Media Training for Government: Sample One-Day Workshop

One week ago, I had the opportunity to deliver a 4-hour workshop for the Greater Los Angeles Federal Executive Board (FEB). Over the past couple years, I have delivered a variation of this “101” workshop for: Boston, Chicago and Honolulu FEBs California and Texas Certified Public Managers programs (mostly city and county employees) Federal agenciesRead… Read more »

GPRA Mod: A Flurry of Activity

Obama signed the GPRA Modernization Act in January. While OMB has yet to issue any formal guidance to agencies on what they should do, there has been a flurry of conferences, forums, and seminars that have focused on the new law’s meaning and intent. In the past month, I’ve participated in more than a halfRead… Read more »

Recruitment 411: A Tailor-made Website

Every so often, Recruitment 411 will feature a guest blogger. Today’s guest blogger is Shawn, who manages the IRS Careers website. We designed the IRS Careers website so visitors can easily find information about IRS jobs. The site includes four focus areas: pre-college, current students & recent grads, and experienced professionals, as well as peopleRead… Read more »

Effect of FOI reforms on ICT systems of government

The last talk I attended at the ACS Canberra Conference was Dr. JamesPopple, Australian Freedom of Information Commissioner, talking about the FOIreforms of government and what this requires of the information systemsgovernment uses.The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner commenced 1November 2010. This integrates information management, privacy and FOIfunctions of government.The new Original post

Effect of FOI reforms on ICT systems of government

The last talk I attended at the ACS Canberra Conference was Dr. JamesPopple, Freedom of Information Commissioner, talking about the FOIreforms of government and what this requires of the information systemsgovernment uses.The Office of the Australian Information Commissioner commenced 1November 2010. This integrates information management, privacy and FOIfunctions of government.The new approach Original post

New Web site lets you report on unsafe products

A controversial new government Web site, allows anyone to post information about a product believed to be hazardous. Those reports are shared with manufacturers and can also be searched by the public. Original post

GSA Working to Improve the Sustainability of Buildings

As a part of America’s economic recovery the General Services Administration (GSA) has been investing in sustainable, innovative technologies. For the last year under Martha N. Johnson’s new leadership GSA has supported sustainable industries including green buildings. Federal buildings are being made green by modernizing them both externally and internally and equipping them with theRead… Read more »