Posts Tagged: jobs

Blogging for Higher Sales

If the success of your business, not-for-profit, or government agency rests upon how well you sell your ideas, products or services and you’re not currently blogging, you may want to reconsider. You may be selling yourself short by overlooking this influential medium. Technorati, the leading blog search engine and directory, recently released its annual “StateRead… Read more »

Bryan Sivak on Digital DC: How to Create a New Culture of Digital Government

Hey Govies! I just got off the phone with Bryan Sivak, the former CTO of Washington DC, a little while ago. We were prepping for this Thursday’s PdF Network conference call (1-2pm EST). The topic is “Digital DC: How to Create a New Culture of Digital Government.” We’re both really psyched for this conversation. BryanRead… Read more »

Impacts of the Japan Earthquake and Tsunami on Government Contracting

Authored by GovWin’s Sean Tucker The earthquake and tsunami that hit the Northeast coast of Japan on Friday have created a humanitarian crisis of global proportions. It touches everything, including the government contracting industry. U.S. contractors are struggling to contact Japanese employees and partners, and are mobilizing to help in any way they can. Employees,Read… Read more »

On public comment and public officials — PJ Crowley, Stanley McChrystal and glass jaws

Another high profile public official has fallen by the wayside with the resignation over the weekend of the US State Department’s PJ Crowley for making public, on-the-record comments on his views with respect to the detention of PFC Bradley Manning. When you look at this in the context of the resignation of General Stanley McChrystalRead… Read more »

3 Conversations I’d Have at the Government Web and New Media Conference

This week – March 17-18 – is the annual Government Web and New Media Conference in Washington DC. This conference, which is sponsored by the Federal Web Managers Council and the General Services Administration, is THE event for web communicators at all levels of government. In addition to having great “how-to” sessions, you’ll hear inspirationalRead… Read more » Released

Gary Gray, the Australian Special Minister of State, announced the release of 10 Mar 2011. This provides government information for commercial, research and community use. Data is provided by agencies including the Australian Bureau of Statistics, Geoscience Australia, the Bureau of Meteorology and the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO). Original post

Access to Information in Alberta: The Grim Picture on the Ground

I’ve been following with great interest the efforts of Intellog Blog’s effort’s to get the Government of Alberta to gain access to the location of all oil and gas well’s in the Western Sedimentary Basin. Their goal is pretty simple, they want to spur research and increase awareness around the economic opportunities, health consequences andRead… Read more »