Posts Tagged: jobs

FREE listening online webinar

Following up on my post about the importance of listening to what people are saying about you and your organisation online, we’re delighted to be running a free webinar on the subject along with our friends at RepKnight. It’s taking place on Wednesday 16th March between 10:30am and 11:30am. The webinar will include some generalRead… Read more »

Government Data, Collaboration, and Social Entrepreneurship at SXSW Interactive

This weekend, I have the extreme pleasure of moderating two sessions at SXSW Interactive: a Future 15 session on government and technology on Saturday starting at 11:00 a.m. AND a panel on Data-Driven Government on Sunday at 9:30 a.m. The latter panel features Aneesh Chopra, the first Federal Chief Technology Officer of the United States,Read… Read more »

Learning and Dialogue Building

Former Canadian military college, Royal Roads University, is constructing a Learning and Innovation Centre building. One floor will be a “Centre for Dialogue”, intended to carry out a similar function to that of the Wosk Centre at Simon Fraser University.However unlike the Wosk centre, which is essentially a conterence centre with very specalsied discussion roomsRead… Read more »

Transparency advocates to express their support during Sunshine Week

Next week, activities will get underway across the nation commemorating Sunshine Week. Sunshine Week is a week of activities meant to support more open government, transparency and the public’s right to know. Sunshine Week is supported by the American Society of Newspaper Editors and a coalition of government transparency advocates. Activities will include several publicRead… Read more »

FAPIIS – GSA Contractor Performance Exposed!

Does your company have any skeletons in its’ closet? Any records of suspension, debarment, or non-responsibility determinations? Has a procurement official ever denied or reduced your award fee as a result of reckless or negligent behavior? Or perhaps your contract was recently terminated all together for fault and defective price determinations? Are you sure?? IfRead… Read more »

Elements of local digital ecosystems

Apologies for using the word ecosystems – I just couldn’t be bothered thinking of anything less naff. So earlier I blogged about the ways NESTA identified that government can help support local digital activity. I mentioned that there are many different elements of the digital scene within a specific locality, so thought it only fairRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Survey connects transparency and citizen satisfaction (03/01/2011) – PEW study finds open data creates a better relationship with government. Citizens who view their government as transparent are more satisfied with the overall government performance. Youth and the Internet (02/23/2011) – MacArthur study finds ways to build youth engagement with digital media. For many, spendingRead… Read more »