Posts Tagged: jobs

Can emerging democracies skip Gov 1.0 and start with electronic Opengov?

In looking at the middle east, its still an open question as to whether the countries engaged in overthrowing their decades old dictators can begin to move toward nascent emerging democracies. But if they do, we know the process of becoming a stable, democratic society is a long-term exercise. But is there a corallary betweenRead… Read more »

Gumby Goes to the White House

President Obama signed a memo to all agency heads yesterday with an unwieldy title: “Administrative Flexibility, Lower Costs, and Better Results for State, Local, and Tribal Governments.’ But it contains the seeds of a potential shift in how the federal government works, if implemented smartly. Over the years, presidents have directed agencies to streamline theirRead… Read more »

Roads less travelled, the pain involved & the reasons to persevere #gov20 #opengov #wiunion

Tweet The Road Less Travelled in Worth It! With my wife, I am constantly trying to raise two daughters to be prepared for life in a sometimes turbulent world. The daily conversations are primarily mundane (Spongebob or Disney), but from time to time, more often lately, the topics turn to deeper philosophy and how toRead… Read more »

North Carolina looking at measure to limit municipal broadband

North Carolina is considering a bill that would keep municipalities from operating their own broadband networks. The bill in its original form was recently challenged by Salisbury, a municipality in North Carolina that currently runs its own broadband network – Fibrant. After the bill’s sponsors met with Salisbury Mayor Susan Kluttz they agreed to pullRead… Read more »

What you need to know about Unemployment (if you need it)

So… I’m hoping that none of you need to visit me at the office anytime soon – because that is not awesome. However, it’s better to face the beast prepared – so here’s what Federal Employees may want to know about filing for unemployment. BIG DISCLAIMER: Unemployment is a state program and it varies whereRead… Read more »

Defining Total Cost of Ownership of Government Software – Part III: The “O”

Ownership. It’s a beautiful word in government. “Ownership” exudes control over technology in a sector where control is often hard to come by. There are always new laws, new elected officials, new mandates and new needs. While technology is often purchased to address these needs, sometimes the technology isn’t able to be controlled by theRead… Read more »

Data Centre as a Service

The Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO), has issued a “Data Centre as a Service Discussion Paper” and invited industry comment. The Data Centre as a Service (DCaaS) facility would provide a shared data centre for smaller agencies (5o spend less than $2M a year on ICT). It is planned to have the service availableRead… Read more »