Posts Tagged: jobs

Procurement Summit – How to Empower the CIO

Twenty years ago the government created the role of the Chief Information Officer. But now, two decades later, there’s still a real disconnected between procurement and IT. Procurement systems simply cannot keep up with the pace of the technology. Need proof? Just look at the rollout of Many experts say the wrong contractors andRead… Read more »

If government procurement is broken, fix it – Plus the 7 Gov Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 70 percent of federal employees do not believe promotions in their work unit are based on merit, and only 43 percent of employees surveyed feel as though they are recognized for doing a good job. Something needs to change in the civil service – and it needs to happen now. InsightsRead… Read more »

Civil Service 2.0 – Reforms 60 Years in the Making

70 percent of federal employees do not believe promotions in their work unit are based on merit, and only 43 percent of employees surveyed feel as though they are recognized for doing a good job. Those dire numbers are highlights from the latest Federal Employee Viewpoint Survey. And worst of all? Only 26 percent ofRead… Read more »

You Are Not Alone – There Are Thousands Of Women In GIS

March was Women’s History Month, what better way to honor women working with GIS in government, education, non-profit and the private sector than by putting them on the map! Dr. Linda Loubert, Assistant Professor at the Morgan State University in US, is attempting to crowdsource a map of women who work in GIS in anRead… Read more »

Enhancing Your LinkedIn Profile II: 7 More Tasks and 23+ Tips

Recently I published 7 Simple To Dos for Rookies to Enhance Their LinkedIn Profile, the first in a three-part series that offers a “crawl-walk-run” approach to helping folks upgrade their LinkedIn profiles from anemic to impressive and effective. The first post focused on a handful of basic things people should do to make sure theyRead… Read more »

Social Media Ownership: Recommendations for Employers

Many individuals and organizations continue to struggle with the question of social media ownership, which involves the accounts themselves, individual and page profiles, platform content and posting activity. Most of the related laws and regulations were written long before today’s social technologies were even created, let alone widespread, and there are few legal and businessRead… Read more »

Take A Voyage – Why The Partnership Program Is Making A Difference

Every day on the DorobekINSIDER program we try to tell good government stories to help you do your job better. Today we get to highlight a program that is helping people do their jobs better by showing the power of partnerships; it’s an awesome program called Voyagers. Voyagers is part of the Industry Advisory CouncilRead… Read more »

Telework, Mobility, and No-Name Programs

A recent study, “Top Trends in Alternative Workplace Strategies,” conducted by New Ways of Working, makes some interesting points about the status of workplace mobility programs in the private sector. One point is that the most common name for these programs is “no name.” When asked about how they refer to their mobility program, manyRead… Read more »