Posts Tagged: jobs

Web Author Handbook Template for Government

Maintaining a consistent government website is tough when you have multiple authors. Download this free template and use it as a starting point for your own Web Author Handbook. Customize it how you wish and adapt it for your own government’s needs. Download Word and PDF templates here: Original post

What Can Government Learn from a Cell Phone?

More and more government agencies are jumping on the social media bandwagon, but not all are starting with a social media policy. Some simply go forth and facebook, not realizing the ramifications of generating official information on a third party website. Are social media policies really needed? Yes. I’d like to use an analogy toRead… Read more »

Cloud Power is here for state and local governments

By Gail Thomas-Flynn, Microsoft US State & Local Government Vice President With recent discussions around the federal budget leaving more questions than answers, state and local government leaders are under a continued mandate to cut spending and reduce existing costs, and the promise of cloud computing is becoming even more relevant. Still, many of theRead… Read more »

Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Federal Cloud Computing Strategy (02/08/2011) – Designed as a guide to help agencies move to a cloud computing environment. Strategy defines cloud computing, outlines the decision framework for cloud migration, cites case examples and resources, offers strategies on leveraging cloud computing, and identifies government roles and responsibilities for driving cloud adoption. Top MobileRead… Read more »

“Gentoring” ™: Building a New Mentoring Role for Bridging the Generational-Digital Divide or “Don’t Be Afraid to Pet the Dinosaur!”

This week I led a “Bridging Generational Communication” workshop with a major DC Government utility. The groups of managers and employees (a mix of Boomers and Gen Xers) were asked to identify an area of breakdown in generational relations and then list some problem-solving recommendations. One team focused on how many of the “older” fieldRead… Read more »

Two Heads Really Are Better Than One!

We all know collaboration, brainstorming and team-work create a better product, solution and action; but whose two heads are creating the best results? In a recent report by Deloitte, “The Gender Dividend: Making the Business Case for Investing in Women“says Two Different Heads are Better than Two Similar Ones. While this may be obvious, itRead… Read more »

Water and Energy Tradeoffs

It’s no secret that we face trade-offs when we choose our energy sources. Perhaps the most commonly-cited trade-off is between cost and friendliness to the environment. But we need to take another trade-off into consideration as we make our energy decisions, and that trade-off is the one between our energy source and the amount ofRead… Read more »

If you research asymmetric war, use the NCTC WITS system

The work of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) is important and, because of the need to protect our nation’s information sources and advantages over international terrorists, criminals and other malicious actors, is not discussed much in the open. But there are things you can learn about NCTC by review of reputable sources. The most importantRead… Read more »

I Survived the PMF Assessments – Part 1

*** The blog below was originally posted on February 22, 2011. *** I am a second year Master of Public Policy candidate at American University in Washington, D.C. I decided to apply for the Presidential Management Fellows this year because it’s a great opportunity to work for the federal government and get 160 hours ofRead… Read more »