Posts Tagged: jobs

Daily Dose: Is Your Teleworking Strategy (Tele)Working?

In case you missed it, last week marked what was known as “Telework Week”- a dedicated effort to increase awareness and popularity of the now federally mandated initiative and the benefits thereof. But how many federal employees are actually taking advantage of teleworking? With the organized event now behind us (Feb. 14-18), Ed O’Keefe inRead… Read more »

Your Turn: Transparency Questions

On Friday, AABPA will host TRANSPARENCY 2011: THE BUDGET AND YOUR CAREER in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Public and International Affairs and Public Financial Publications, Inc. The conference is designed to provide key insights on how the current budget situation and heightened demand for budget skills combine to create aRead… Read more »

Ask the Gov Expert: Dr. Nick Nayak, CPO, DHS

In case you missed the recent Gov Up at Public House in National Harbour, Young Government Leaders and Gov Loop had Dr. Nick Nayak, Chief Procurement Officer, U.S. Department of Homeland Security answer some of your most pressing questions on camera. A BIG THANK YOU to Rafferty Weiss Media for filming this video!  RaffertyWeissRead… Read more »

Red Lodge Clearinghouse

The Red Lodge Clearinghouse (RLCH) website, at, makes participation in natural resources decision-making easier than ever before. The RLCH website — originally founded in 2001 by renowned fashion designer and philanthropist, the late Liz Claiborne and her husband, Art Ortenberg — has served the needs of individuals and organizations engaged in collaborative natural resourcesRead… Read more »

PDF Accessibility Promotion Endorsed by Australian Government

Adobe are running a series of education sessions on “PDF Accessibility Education Sessions for the Australian Government” in March 2011. These are to help Australian Public Servants with PDF authoring skills, after an AGIMO/Vision Australia study which was critical of the accessibility of Portable Document Format documents for people with a disability.In my view theRead… Read more »

Myth Busters Campaign in Full Swing to Improve Public/Private Sector Communications

As part of an effort to reform the federal acquisition process for technology, US Federal CIO, Vivek Kundra, unveiled an ambitious 25-point plan for addressing many of the issues that plague the way the government purchases technology in hopes of delivering more value to the taxpayer. Part of the implementation plan was to counter theRead… Read more »

Myth Busters Campaign in Full Swing to Improve Public/Private Sector Communications

As part of an effort to reform the federal acquisition process for technology, US Federal CIO, Vivek Kundra, unveiled an ambitious 25-point plan for addressing many of the issues that plaque the way the government purchases technology in hopes of delivering more value to the taxpayer. Part of the implementation plan was to counter theRead… Read more »

Happy President’s Day from your Bureaucrat on Sports, the Hokie Guru, only on Govloop!!

Hola!! It’s been a few weeks since the Hokie Guru has blogged here on Govloop… I’m back for a little while… the Guru’s been busy with all things named Georgetown Public Policy Institute (Master of Policy Management – Inspectors General Program). But I’m back today to talk about a potential government shutdown (which is theRead… Read more »

Undoing Reform: Cronyism in the DC Government

Since I was quoted in this article, Second Run: Why Local Filmmakers Are Miffed by Crystal Palmer’s Return to the D.C. Film Office, I thought I’d elaborate on my thoughts on why I’m miffed. In the run-up to the mayoral election, I was told by many well-meaning folks that Vincent Gray shared the reformer credentialsRead… Read more »