Posts Tagged: jobs

CB2: GSA, Human Rights, and Nestle Quik

“Think of the message that would be sent if GSA took iPads off schedule until working conditions improved in China.” On the drive back from Miami to St. Pete last night, my fiancé was helping me pass the time by reading “The Awful Truth Behind 5 Items Probably On Your Grocery List” on her newRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Another Government Shutdown?

The term “March Madness” is about to take on a whole new meaning, and I’m not talking about basketball… With the March 4th cutoff date fast approaching, there is one question that continues to loom in the minds of govies everywhere- what if the federal government is forced to face another shutdown? Chris Cillizza overRead… Read more »

CRS Report on Government Transparency Asks Right Questions But Doesn’t Go Far Enough

By Dennis D. McDonald, Ph.D. Back in February 2009 in Challenges Facing and the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board I wrote the following about making Federal stimulus spending data more accessible and “transparent” to the public: Whatever methods are developed to represent and report on the various processes that are involved in implementing theRead… Read more »

Is the GAO boss not giving enough credit?

Gene L. Dodaro, head of the Government Accountability Office, writes on the pages of today’s New York Times (boo!) about his agency’s biennial assessment of poor-performing government agencies and programs. “Since we started this list of programs at high risk of such problems two decades ago, our office has come to update it with eachRead… Read more »

Repeated Use of E-Gov Web Sites: A Satisfaction and Confidentiality Perspective

International Journal of Electronic Government Research: The results suggest that a user’s intention to continue using government Web sites is related to the user’s satisfaction, perceived performance of the Web site and the requirement for confidential information. This research also confirms that gender difference does moderate the relationship between users’ satisfaction levels and repeated useRead… Read more »

Promoting Innovation and Collaboration in Government with Google Apps

The Administrative Conference of the United States (ACUS) has implemented Google Apps for Government. ACUS is an independent federal agency dedicated to creating a public-private partnership designed to make government work better. ACUS has had a long history of saving the government and taxpayers money. In 2009, ACUS was revived by Congress after a 15-yearRead… Read more »

The Future of Public Administration around the World: The Minnowbrook Perspective

Professors O’Leary, Kim and Van Slyke have just published “The Future of Public Administration around the World: The Minnowbrook Perspective” book. My chapter in the book is title: “The use of social media to dissolve knowledge silos in government”. I argue that public managers are facing the dilemma of ever increasing, changing and complex mandatesRead… Read more »

Building Better Green Buildings

The federal government, and many state governments, are actively trying to plan for, design and build green buildings. Of course definitions count for a lot, and green buildings are no exception. Two of the most common green standards are ISO 14044 and LEED, and these two programs have helped governments and companies save millions overRead… Read more »

GSA Schedule 56 Goes Green!

The General Services Administration has two well-defined goals: garnering a variety of products and services for the maintenance and safety of the nation as well as maintaining sensible asset management. More recently, alongside the increasing global awareness of green solutions, GSA has become committed to helping the federal government and agencies maintain eco-friendly goals. GSARead… Read more »

GSA Schedule 56 Goes Green!

The General Services Administration has two well-defined goals: garnering a variety of products and services for the maintenance and safety of the nation as well as maintaining sensible asset management. More recently, alongside the increasing global awareness of green solutions, GSA has become committed to helping the federal government and agencies maintain eco-friendly goals. GSARead… Read more »