Posts Tagged: jobs

GSA Schedule 56 Goes Green!

The General Services Administration has two well-defined goals: garnering a variety of products and services for the maintenance and safety of the nation as well as maintaining sensible asset management. More recently, alongside the increasing global awareness of green solutions, GSA has become committed to helping the federal government and agencies maintain eco-friendly goals. GSARead… Read more »

First GovGirl episode is up!

My first episode on the new blog is here. Take a tour of what’s hot in online government, be prepared for cheese, and let me know what you’d like me to cover next time! I need questions for the “Ask GovGirl” segment too These videos have a long way to go, and they can onlyRead… Read more »

The State of Open Data in Canada: The Year of the License

Open Data now an established fact in a growing list of Canadian cities. Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, Ottawa have established portals, Montreal, Calgary, Hamilton and some other cities are looking into launching their own and a few provinces are rumored to be exploring open data portals as well. This is great news and a significant accomplishment.Read… Read more »

Continued Evolution of DoD Cyber Policy

The deputy secretary of Defense, the Honorable William J. Lynn III, delivered remarks at the RSA conference that captures a snapshot of DoD cyber policies. This is consistent with the continually improving path the department has been on for the last several years. I recommend a good read of the remarks and hope you shareRead… Read more »

My “Government 2.0 Revisited” article wins 2010 H. George Frederickson Best Article Award

My “Gov 2.0 Revisited: Social Media Strategies in the Public Sector” article won the PA Times’ 2010 H. George Frederickson Best Article Award. Here is what I submitted as the acceptance note for the January/February 2011 PA Times issue: “I am very honored to accept the PA TIMES Best Article Award for 2010, and wouldRead… Read more »

ArcGIS goes behind the firewall

Every day, users from all over the world log on to ArcGIS Online and contribute mapping data to the worldwide base map. This base map serves as one of the largest authoritative base maps available. However, for users with sensitive data, building on and contributing to a public map may not be possible. Recently, atRead… Read more »

Public Speaking: Stand & Deliver

Public Speaking: Stand & Deliver I’ve been coaching candidates for the Presidential Management Fellowship’s in-person assessment lately, and one part of the assessment process is a 5-minute policy presentation which each candidate must deliver in front of a panel of judges. Public speaking is, for many people, scarier than watching Aliens while on PCP. ScarierRead… Read more »

Obama’s FY 2012 Management Initiatives

Attention to the FY 2012 budget’s performance and management initiatives have been overwhelmed by the enormity of the proposed budget cuts by both the President and the Congress, and the resolution of the pending FY 2011 continuing resolution. For the most part, the management section of the budget, reflects a continued commitment to initiatives initiallyRead… Read more »

Data Innovation: Insight into the Health 2.0 Code-A-Thon

What exactly is a “code-a-thon” you ask? Well, I’m not computer science wiz but according to the Health 2.0 Code-A-Thon DC website: …bringing together developers, designers and raw data sets to build exciting new applications and tools for improved health care. Developers, designers and other stakeholders are given an overview of health care issues, toolsRead… Read more »

The DOD Responds to President Obama’s Budget Proposal

Remarks from the Secretary of Defense Secretary of Defense Robert Gates conducted a briefing today to discuss President Barack Obama’s fiscal 2012 budget proposal to Congress. Secretary Gates prefaced his remarks by highlighting two major concerns: the strain on the Department of Defense of operating under a continuing resolution for five months; and the JointRead… Read more »