Posts Tagged: jobs

What Government Public Affairs Can Learn From Donald Trump

Mark Drapeau (Washington, DC) — Donald Trump is a master of public branding and marketing for himself and his eponymous business interests. While government doesn’t usually consider itself in the business of “marketing” itself, in reality, the Open Government movement is to some degree about publicizing data and information in order to get it toRead… Read more »

White House recognizes Grammy winner on Twitter, links to performance on YouTube

Esperanza Spalding won a Grammy for Best New Artist tonight. She’s an extraordinary talent. Moments after her win, White House new media director Macon Phillips congratulated her on Twitter and linked to a video of her performance at the White House Poetry Jam on YouTube: ] Shortly after that, the White House account shared theRead… Read more »

Customer Dissatisfaction

If you ran a business and only 65 percent of your customers were satisfied, do you think you’d stay in business very long? That’s what a recent survey found from customers of many federal agencies, and their customers aren’t happy! In response, Cong. Henry Cuellar re-introduces his customer service enhancement bill. The annual federal customerRead… Read more »

4 Steps to Job Interview Preparation

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net’s HR Strategist. Recruiters and hiring managers regularly trade stories about interviewees who are totally clueless — not the impression you want to make. But a little preparation can ensure successful interviewing! Step 1. Review all the information you already have about the opportunity and the organization. * What elseRead… Read more »

Learning Capital: an integrated tertiary education system for the ACT

The report “Learning Capital: an integrated tertiary education system for the ACT” from the ACT Tertiary Education Taskforce has been released by the ACT Government Department of Education and Training. The report recommends an integrated education system for Canberra. Unfortunately the impact and credibility of the report is undermined by the way it has beenRead… Read more »

Australian Capital Territory Clean Economy Strategy

The University of Canberra released a “Framework for an Australian Capital Territory Clean Economy Strategy – Economic, Environmental and Social Perspectives” commissioned by the ACT Government in 2009. The full report is ( MS Word 1.4MB or PDF 1.17MB).Actions would fall across the broad areas of: green buildingsutilitiesrenewable energytransportbusiness and industry developmentresearch and Original post

Project of Week – NYC Simplicity Idea Market – Virtual Suggestion Box for Employees

I’m a big fan of the use of ideation in government to bring innovation both within agencies by employees and with citizens. Last year, the Obama administration hosted a series of dialogues on Open Government with each agency and cities from Austin to Santa Cruz have used dialogues to get ideas from citizens on howRead… Read more »

What do THEY want?

You and I have both had experiences where we see an employee role their eyes when their phone rings or when a customer is at the counter for assistance. “What do they want?” is what they are thinking, and sometimes even what they say aloud. It’s easy, and perfectly natural, to get frustrated when youRead… Read more »