Posts Tagged: jobs

Stepping Up

It’s an historic day for Egypt and for the world. But…when Egypt’s President Mubarak ‘stepped down’…we have to wonder who will be ‘stepping up.’ Of course, we’re hoping to see all segments of the Egyptian population to ‘step up’ equally, but this is not likely. It’s not likely, because many will not have equal choiceRead… Read more »

Create Your Own Video Portal to Connect with Citizens, Broward County Did

If your agency wants to strengthen it’s connection with the community, check-out what Broward County did with their public access programs. They created a branded page on their website to empower citizens with a one-stop-shop to government meetings, events, and safety tips. My company, Granicus, worked with them on this initaitive. They leveraged our videoRead… Read more »

Simplifying the Myki ticket system

Media reports indicate that the new Victorian government is considering scrapping or modifying the Myki transport ticket system. The contact-less smart card system has had problems with capacity.MyKi was modified so that most tram commuter do not need to “touch off” the card at the end of their journey. It is likely this change wouldRead… Read more »

Broadening Public Discussion

Today I attended a meeting at the Moot Court at the Australian National University in Canberra from 12:30pm to 4pm. Fourteen people from academia, government and industry were discussing the creation of the “Australia Forum”, a project for enabling public policy discussion. I attended for the School of Computer Science at ANU which researches theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 Roundup: Week of February 11, 2011

The General Services Administration unveils a sustainability tool, Seattle government makes interacting with the city easier with a single login, Jeff Pon gives tips on addressing the boss’s concerns about telework, and FEMA uses Twitter to talk and to listen, all in this week’s version of the Gov 2.0 Roundup. –Earlier this week, the GeneralRead… Read more »


VIENNA, VA (Feb. 7, 2011) — C2 Technologies, Inc. announced today from its headquarters here that William C. Gerhart has joined the company as Corporate Senior Vice President for Business. Mr. Gerhart will be responsible for managing the company’s long-term growth strategy, and leading efforts to capture Federal, state, and local government business. He willRead… Read more »

March 1, 2011 – Last Chance to Be a 2012 Code for America City

March 1, 2011 is the last chance for local governments to apply for the 2012 Code for America City Program. The competitive program enables forward-thinking cities to solve a critical civic problem with technology and become leaders in the open government movement. Three to five cities selected to participate will partner with talent from theRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: February 11, 2011

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Saba alcher! صباح الخير! Good morning! The State Department is now tweeting in Arabic Land-based Broadband Is 2000-and-Late. President Obama wants 98 percent of the country to have wireless access to the internet by 2016. Trillion-with-a-T? Sounds Fishy to Me. This infographic claims that Americans receive 200 Trillion text messages a day. ToRead… Read more »

Broadening Public Discussion

Today I attended a meeting at the Moot Court at the Australian National University in Canberra from 12:30pm to 4pm. Fourteen people from academia, government and industry were discussing the creation of the “Australia Forum”, a project for enabling public policy discussion. I attended for the School of Computer Science at ANU which researches theRead… Read more »