Posts Tagged: jobs

Is Web 2.0 Always the Way to Go?

Just because government is further behind the private sector when it comes to jumping on the Web 2.0 train doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of chatter about getting on board. I’ve heard things like “We need an app where citizens can take pictures of potholes or graffiti with their camera phone, geotag the location,Read… Read more »

Top Ten Gotchas of Cloud Computing in Government

As part of my Grumpy Old Man series, today I’m taking a look at the challenges that lie ahead of todays most widely hyped technology — cloud computing. Before government agencies can realize the benefits of cloud computing, a number of challenges must be overcome. Government information technology must conform to rules and regulations thatRead… Read more »

Iowa gov appoints transparency chief

Earlier this week, Iowa Governor Terry Branstad named Bill Monroe, one of the state’s prominent newsmen, as his administration’s special advisor for government transparency. In that capacity, Mr. Monroe will help craft and implement Iowa’s transparency agenda, the governor said. “I have taken steps to assure that my administration will be transparent,” Gov. Branstad saidRead… Read more »

Talking #Transportation communication for local government tonight on #localgovchat. Join us at 9 EST

(Photo Credit Would love to have all communicators, technologists, planners or anyone else even marginally interested in government and it’s role in transportation come join #localgovchat tonight at 9 EST. We want to discuss how communications, visualizations and other data can help improve how residents get around from state to state, city to city,Read… Read more »

State governors target ‘redesigns’ in speeches, analysis finds

In an analysis of 2011 State of the State addresses, governors hit upon the subject of government redesigns – to address budgets, size of state governments and jobs. Among the key components of gubernatorial plans to redesign state government, “consolidation,” “streamlining,” and “pensions” rang the loudest and most persistent. The perennial list of topics, suchRead… Read more »

From Recent College Grad to CPO: It’s a Gov Up..Mash Up!

That’s right! If you haven’t heard about the Gov Up that is taking place tomorrow at Public House in National Harbour, then you’re missing out! The “Rock Your Career” Gov Up, will be a Mash Up of young govies and experienced executives. Holding true to the “melting pot” American spirit, individuals from the private sector,Read… Read more »

Interagency Collaboration

I know this article is somewhat old news, but I thought I would share. It’s an article from the September 2010 edition of Government Executive about interagency collaboration. Are we all doing in enough in the acquisition community to promote interagency collaboration? What do you think?