Posts Tagged: jobs

Multi-story prefabricated housing for flood victims

The Queensland Government is providing housing for displaced residents in the declared flood areas. One option in some areas is prefabricated housing. Such housing is normally thought of as being flimsy, low quality single story, temporary disposable buildings. But there are systems for permanent, high quality, multi-story modular building. I suggest the Queensland, Victorian andRead… Read more »

Brazilian Project will use Social Media and e-Voting for popular participation

The i3G institute, locating in the city of Florianópolis – Brazil, which conducts research in e-Government, Artificial Intelligence and Ontology areas, has just approved a public international project, called “The Citizen and the e-Gov in Americas”, organized by the International Development and Research Centre (IDRC) and Inter-american Universitary Organization, both on Canada, with the collaborationRead… Read more »

Why Is “Going to the Cloud” Such a Big Deal?

If there’s a word that’s getting thrown around A LOT lately, it’s “cloud.” Seriously, it had to be one of the most over-used words in 2010 and it’s looking to be an even more prevalent part of government talk in 2011. In fact, last week an article in Government Technology article entitled “Top 10 PredictionsRead… Read more »

Digital engagement in South Holland

Since moving house back in October, my local government district is South Holland, in south Lincolnshire. I’m no stranger to it – this is where I grew up, before leaving to go to University. It’s good to see the local council is engaging in some online engagement activity in the near future. Firstly, they areRead… Read more »

HR=Humans Represent: Public Sector Employment Isn’t So Pretty

This past Tuesday, I read a headline that the United States Postal Service was cutting 10 districts, and 7,500 administrative positions. I thought to myself here we go with Federal layoffs – I’m happy to report this isn’t so! If you research further, these position reductions will take place through attrition as eligible workers retireRead… Read more »

Is government cool enough for the next generation of feds?

Can government be cool enough to attract talented young people AND keep them on the job? In a report for Federal News Radio — “The Need for the Next Generation” — I highlight what some agencies are doing to recruit and retain young people. (Special thanks to Mr. GovLoop Steve Ressler for being interviewed forRead… Read more »

Multi-story prefabricated housing for flood victims

The Queensland Government is providing housing for displaced residents in the declared flood areas. One option in some areas is prefabricated housing. Such housing is normally thought of as being flimsy, low quality single story, temporary disposable buildings. But there are systems for permanent, high quality, multi-story modular building. I suggest the Queensland, Victorian andRead… Read more »

Get Organized for Great Customer Service

At long last, the customer service bandwagon seems to be rolling in government. The latest evidence: GSA just quietly unveiled a fabulous new website: It puts requirements, best practices, training, and tips for all forms of customer service delivery (web, call centers, publications, social media) under one customer service umbrella. Bravo! Finally, we canRead… Read more »