Posts Tagged: jobs

Defining Total Cost of Ownership of Government Software – Part I: The “T”

IT purchasing decisions in government have gotten complicated over the last five years. There are more factors that need to be considered than ever. To me, that’s perfectly fine as long as we evaluate the factors correctly. After all, we are asked to invest significant public dollars in our choices, and I want that listRead… Read more »

What Can Government Do To Bridge The Digital Divide and How Can The Private Sector Be A Partner?

In reviewing some past blogs that can be found on, I noticed an interesting article from Gov Loop’s very own Andrew Krzmarzick written June 25, 2010. Andy asks a great question then that is even more important to ask the question 7 months later. As it appears from President Hu Jintao’s recent visit toRead… Read more »

The Federal Coach: Running a ‘Hot Bench’: An Interview with SSA Commissioner Michael Astrue

Michael J. Astrue has been the commissioner of Social Security since 2007. As commissioner, Astrue has focused his efforts on reducing the disability backlog and improving service to the public, particularly through electronic services. He has served in all three branches of government and spent 14 years in the biotechnology industry. Astrue is also anRead… Read more »

Dan Chenok on Privacy as a Key National Issue — Implications for Government Managers

Over at the IBM Center for the Business of Government Blog, Dan Chenok has posted an article about the privacy implications raised by a few recent reports and their implications for government managers. Dan looks closely at: “Preliminary Staff Report” from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) A “Green Paper” from the Department of Commerce entitledRead… Read more »

Indiana moves forward with health insurance exchange plans

Late last week, Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels signed an executive order that directs state agencies “to conditionally establish and operate a state-based healthcare benefit exchange.” Indiana is the latest in a string of states that are both suing the federal government over the Affordable Care Act and preparing to comply with it. In a statementRead… Read more »

Should You Disclose Your Security Clearance?

Within the contracting community, the word on the street is that individuals should mention their clearances on their resumes to be more attractive to potential employers. In the context of the job market, this makes sense: a security clearance automatically makes an employee more valuable. claims that “an established security clearance can increase yourRead… Read more »

Daily Dose: Off Shore Drilling Creates 2 New Agencies… Will It Work?

The gulf oil spill was apparently enough to cause a government shuffle. It was announced yesterday that 2 new agencies will be made to make sure that energy development is promoted and safety is enforced. According to the Washington Post the 2 new agencies will come out of a split of the Bureau of OceanRead… Read more »

New Hampshire gov names new state CIO

In an announcement yesterday, New Hampshire Governor John Lynch named Bill Rogers as commissioner of the state’s Department of Information Technology. According to a statement by the governor, Mr. Rogers brings with him over 30 years of information technology experience from the private sector. “Bill Rogers has the innovation, technical expertise and leadership abilities toRead… Read more »

Government Needs Goals For Success

In December Congress and the Senate passed legislation titled the Government Performance and Results Modernization Act of 2010, sponsored by Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-TX). The act requires federal agencies to: Designate senior officials to serve as a chief operating and performance improvement officers. These two officials would be responsible for finding significant cost savings throughRead… Read more »