Posts Tagged: jobs

Learning Pool talks Social Care e-learning in Manchester and London

In the run-up to Wednesday’s publication of the health and social care bill David Cameron is discussing his plans to overhaul public services, including the NHS, today. You can voice your thoughts on Cameron’s plans with other social care professionals by grabbing one of the few places remaining at our free expert-led Social Care briefingsRead… Read more »

Social, civic benefits of Internet debated during State of the Net conference

A new study out yesterday by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that three-quarters of Americans participate in some kind of voluntary group or organization. Moreover, the study found the lines between online and offline participation in group activity is blurring. In a discussion held yesterday during the State of the Net 2011Read… Read more »

When Are You An Expert?

At what point in your career are you considered an expert by others, and when is it appropriate to call yourself an expert? Does being in your field for 10 years inherently mean you are an expert? Do you need to have published articles or serve on a board of directors? What if you haveRead… Read more »

Australian Whole-of-Government Common Operating Environment

The Australian Department of Finance and Deregulation, has issued a “Whole-of-Government Common Operating Environment Policy” (WofG COE). The most controversial part of this is the mandating of the Office Open XML file format (as used by Microsoft Office), rather than the Open Document Format (as used by and other office packages). Australian Archives currentlyRead… Read more »

Copyright Policy Form

The Austrlaian Digital Alliance is holding a “Policy Form: Righting the Copyright Imbalance”, 4 March 2011, at the National Library of Australia, in Canberra.Policy Form RIGHTING THE COPYRIGHT IMBALANCE A forum for ADA members, stakeholders and government on the Australian copyright reform agenda 4 March 2011, National Library of Australia, Canberra Original post

New Presidential Memos show a narrow vision for open government

President Obama has done an excellent job moving open government efforts forward, making open government a priority. His initial Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government, issued on January 21, 2009, provided guidance and defined open government as being formed by three cornerstones: transparency, participation, and collaboration, giving agencies a clear timetable for delivering their ownRead… Read more »

State of the Net Conference. Does Government “Get It?”

The OGTV family is spending its morning at the State of the Net Conference held at the Hyatt Regency on Capitol Hill. The event is presented by the Advisory Committee to the Congressional Internet Caucus. This morning, our Director of New Media, a political and government social media strategist, Stephanie Noble had a quick breakfastRead… Read more »

Microsoft to announce cloud-based CRM offering for public sector

Over the last decade, a technology known as customer relationship management (CRM) has slowly crossed over into the public sector. That migration from private to public sector use is about to get a boost with an announcement today from Microsoft that Dynamics CRM will be available online through the cloud. Traditionally used for winning overRead… Read more »