Posts Tagged: jobs

GPRA Mod Act Explained: Part 7

The new law codifies an existing governance framework for performance across government by designating chief operating officers in each major agency and requiring the designation of program improvement officers in each agency. It also authorizes a governmentwide performance improvement council and requires a governmentwide performance website. Governance of Overall Performance System. After the original GPRARead… Read more »

2011 Federal Open Technology Report Card

On January 13, 2011, Open Source for America (OSFA), published the results of a study measuring openness in government. The Federal Open Technology Report Card evaluated key indicators of open government and open technologies developed through online crowd sourcing and refined metrics outlined by the OSFA leadership committee. These included questions regarding public budgets, useRead… Read more »

The State of the Coast Guard Address… what’s ADM Papp going to say? [opinion]

We’re just around the corner, historically speaking, from the annual State of the Coast Guard Address and though I dare not think to know what ADM Bob Papp may speak about, if only for the fact that there’s an unlimited amount of things that are on his plate, I happened across a great resource givingRead… Read more »

Open Source for America Publishes Federal Open Technology Report Card; Rates Agencies on Open Government and Use of Open Technologies Open Source for America (OSFA), an organization of technology industry leaders, non-government associations, and academic and research institutions promoting the use of open source technologies in the U.S. federal government, today published the results of a study measuring openness in government. The Federal Open Technology Report Card evaluated key indicators of open government andRead… Read more »

Advice from Adam: The Only 3 Questions You’ll Ever Need to Know

For over a year now, I’ve been meeting almost every week with a guy named Adam Schultz and his team at Change & Course. He’s been offering some great insight on how to improve GovLoop and it just dawned on me this week that you’d probably benefit from the lessons I’m learning, too. With thatRead… Read more »

Tucson’s Tragedy – The Impact and Implications on Arizona’s Government in the Last Five Days

There’s been plenty of media attention on Arizona the past five days, and for those of you across the country, you may not have heard about how our state government has come together and been torn apart by Saturday, January 8’s unthinkable event in Tucson. THE COMING TOGETHER: I think all of us agree thatRead… Read more »

A Response to a Ottawa Gov 2.0 Skeptic

So many, many months ago a Peter R. posted this comment (segments copied below) under a post I’d written titled: Prediction, The Digital Economy Strategy Will Fail if it Isn’t Drafted Collaboratively on GCPEDIA. At first blush Peter’s response felt aggressive. I flipped him an email to say hi and he responded in a veryRead… Read more »