Posts Tagged: jobs

Is “Hotsugarmama” an appropriate job search email address?

Believe it or not a job seeker really used this email address. Or “Noviagra.” A job seeker looking for a VP level HR position used this email address. Needless to say neither applicant made it past the initial screening process. Just as you wouldn’t wear a t-shirt and shorts to a job interview because youRead… Read more »

Colo governor wants improved relations with local governments

In a host of executive orders released this week, Colorado Governor John Hickenlooper issued a policy to enhance the relationship between state and local government. In Executive Order D 2011-005, the governor acknowledged a need for more flexibility and he directed state agencies to take specific steps to minimize burdens for local governments. “Local governmentsRead… Read more »

Who are the Small Town Open Gov Rockstars we should host on future calls? Tell us below!

For the next few months I’ll be working with Community Matters to host a series of conference calls on Open Government. These calls will specifically focus on implementation of Open Government in cities and towns across the country, and the content of the calls will be driven by the participants. I’m hoping this series isRead… Read more »

GPRA Mod Act of 2010 Explained: Part 6

The new law includes new requirements for quarterly reviews and progress assessments of governmentwide and agency-level priority goals. Federal Priority Goal Reviews. According to the Senate committee report, the new law: “attempts to lay out a process for reviewing progress towards the federal government priority goals on, at minimum, a quarterly basis. For each federalRead… Read more »

Continuity of Operations Planning (COOP)

Have you thought about how your company will function in the event of a terrorist attack or natural disaster? In a post-9/11 and Hurricane Katrina world, this is a must. FEMA recommends that every business have an Emergency Plan as well as a Continuity of Operations plan (COOP) in order to maintain essential business functions.Read… Read more »

DoD Social Media Policy Expires March 1 with No Follow-up. What’s the Impact?

The DoD’s social media policy, titled, “Directive-Type Memorandum (DTM) 09-026 – Responsible and Effective Use of Internet-based Capabilities” will expire on March 1, 2011. Through discussions with people in DoD, I’ve learned that the stated plan to replace this policy with a long-term Instruction has been shelved indefinitely, and all resources associated with this effortRead… Read more »

Civil Service Hiring in New York State

Civil Service Hiring in New York State This post may be one of the longer ones I’ve written because the hiring process for New York State is so different from the private sector process. It is what I would call a “classic civil service” process, in which networking or personal connections will do absolutely noRead… Read more »

Why RSS is Essential for Government Transparency

Enabling your audience to subscribe to information is a key part of any transparency plan. RSS is a modern subscription tool that’s often under-utilized in government. All agencies should have their content pages equipped with it help people stay aware and engaged in the issues that matter most to them. Hear a Granicus expert discussRead… Read more »

CB2: Facebook Amber Alerts, an Open Letter

Today’s CB2 is an open letter to Facebook’s Public Policy Communications Manager, Andrew Noyes as headlines such as ABC’s “Facebook to Issue Amber Alerts to Help in Locating Missing Kids” are being shared across the web. Dear Andrew, As a government and public safety technologist having devoted a lot of time and attention to massRead… Read more »

Lockheed Martin Teaming Suggestions via @govwinteam

Two main themes emerged from today’s Teaming Suggestions Webinar with Lockheed Martin’s Bob Gemmill: As a small business looking to partner with a large integrator, do your homework; and don’t be vague and tell a Prime that you can “do whatever they need you to do.” [Editor’s Note: Bob’s archived video can be found onRead… Read more »