Posts Tagged: jobs

What is the most imporant research or data for me to consider regarding online civics before next week’s State of the Internet Conference?

I’ll be on a panel next week. What sources do you consider absolutely crucial to know on this topic? Following is the State of the Net agenda and panel description. We’ll have new data from the Pew Internet and American Life Project to discuss but I’d like to be as informed as possible. Thank you!Read… Read more »

Envisioning Leadership Beyond the Battlefield: How Do You Do It?

Hello, join the discussion from GovLearning: As I passed the Pentagon en route to ASTD today, I thought about Georgia Sorenson’s fascinating article “Leadership Beyond the Battlefield” in the most recent issue of The Public Manager. If you missed it you can get more here: Fundamentally, Sorenson looked at how civilian and militaryRead… Read more »

January 10 Research and Best Practices eNewsletter

Research Open Government Data Benchmark Study (12/01/2010) – Socrata survey reveals state of open data from the perspective of the public, government and developers. Nearly half of agencies surveyed are already publishing data. Smartphone use growing (01/06/2011) – Nielson study confirms TV is still used by most Americans to obtain news content, but mobileRead… Read more »

Canada’s Secret Open Data Strategy?

Be prepared for the most boring sentence to an intriguing blog post. The other night, I was, as one is want to do, reading through a random Organization for Economic Coordination and Development report entitled Towards Recovery and Partnership with Citizens: The Call for Innovative and Open Government. The report was, in fact, a summaryRead… Read more »

Beth Noveck Leaving the White House is No Big Loss

Andrea di Maio writes: “…This is exactly the way I feel about where open government is today in the US federal government. Great concept, a directive to kick the ball, a few agencies doing good things but most still scratching their heads about how to do something more than complying with what the directive askedRead… Read more »

SeeClickFix Takes Gov 2.0 to Next Level with Series A Round of Funding

One of the most promising Gov 2.0 companies is SeeClickFix, which has won numerous awards for its mobile platform where citizens report non-emergency issues such as potholes and graffiti. I recently talked to CEO, Ben Berkowitz, about some big news happening with the company. So tell us the big news. What just happened? SeeClickFix hasRead… Read more »

$1trillion+ in tax breaks now subject to Executive Branch review

Bipartisan legislation signed by President Obama last Tuesday will significantly change the way the government monitors and reports on its own performance. One of the most important reforms contained in the new law is a requirement that targeted tax breaks — or “tax expenditures” — finally be analyzed based on their success in contributing towardRead… Read more »

The 3 A’s of Awesome

As many of you remember from GovLoop’s Inaugural Next Generation of Government Summit last July, Neil Pasricha, author of the blog 1000 Awesome Things and the Book of Awesome gave a truly inspiring presentation on how to focus on the positive. Our Community Manager Andy Krzmarzick then challenged us to think of 1000 Awesome ThingsRead… Read more »

Securing Government Data on consumer mobile devices… are you secured?

iPhones, iPads, Droids, etc., Everyone wants to use their own personal devices to connect and collaborate, but is their data protected and more importantly how are you as an agency protecting Government data on these non-blackberry smartphones? Please share your thoughts and I can provide you a solution.

Daily Dose: Have You Ever Felt Threatened as a Government Employee?

Like you, I am deeply disturbed by the Rep. Giffords shooting in Arizona. While the shooter clearly suffers from mental instability, the level of animosity in America towards public servants – from executive, legislative and judicial branches to Federal, state and local government – appears to be at an unprecedented high. But is the actualRead… Read more »