Posts Tagged: jobs


As you might have heard in the State of the Union, President Obama is flexing his executive authority, raising the minimum wage for federal contractors to $10.10 an hour. Obama has asked Congress to enact the increase, but they have not yet voted on it. However, this type of action does not need congressional approval;Read… Read more »

Do we (govies) expect the wrong things from the State of the Union?

If you were scrolling through government publications in the wake of the Tuesday’s State of the Union, you were probably not surprised to see headlines decrying the lack of mentions of feds or government reforms in the speech. Besides a reform to contractor pay and a new focus on permitting challenges, actual government reforms wereRead… Read more »

Were Feds Missing from the State of the Union?

You may scoff, but in my opinion, very few employees are as tough and resilient as government employees. In the past year, feds have been furloughed, sequestered and had their pay frozen, and yet when the shutdown shuttered government offices for much of the month of October, most feds, caught in partisan politics, just wantedRead… Read more »

The solution to procurement woes, people?

Hiring is one of the biggest challenges in government. Getting the right people in the right position is key for an effective government. Just as hiring the right NIH scientist is key to curing disease so too is hiring the right procurement official. However, well-trained procurement officials are hard to find and the lack ofRead… Read more »

Why are large procurements so complex? vs. Deepwater has been a massive contracting challenge from the onset. What went wrong? “Contractors have pointed the finger at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, citing insufficient guidance, inadequate resources, a lack of authority to lead the project and changes requested a month before the site went live. In testimony to the House CommitteeRead… Read more »

Getting You Hired – New Job Application Tool for Local Government

Getting a government job can seem like an uphill battle and the application process can be brutal and bureaucratic. But now the people at Vision Internet have created a tool to help streamline the process for local governments. Ashley Fruechting the Director of Strategic Initiatives at Vision Internet. She told me during GovLoop’s State andRead… Read more »

SES Job Opening – Associate Director of Administration

The Court Services and Offender Supervision Agency for the District of Columbia (CSOSA) has an opening for an Associate Director of Administration. This position heads the Office of Administration, which is responsible for managing Agency acquisitions, and directing CSOSA’s facilities and security programs. Many of CSOSA’s programs are evolving, requiring the incumbent to develop precedent-settingRead… Read more »

Gov sheds 80,000 jobs – Can you still do more with less?

“The federal government shed 2,000 jobs in December, ending 2013 with a net loss of 79,000 positions, according to the latest figures from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The total federal workforce — including military personnel and USPS employees — sits around 4.3 million. But that number is expected to shrink in the next fewRead… Read more »

Six Resolutions for Government Leaders

2013 was a historically rough year for federal employees, but 2014 is off to a positive start. First a budget deal is close to being signed, the budget deal would eliminate the threat of shutdown, furloughs and reduce the impacts of sequestration. So how should federal managers prepare for the year ahead? Tom Fox isRead… Read more »

CFR 2014–2015 Edward R. Murrow Press Fellowship

Program Launched in 1949 with support from the Carnegie Corporation, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) Edward R. Murrow Press Fellowship seeks to promote the quality of responsible and discerning journalism that exemplified the work of Edward R. Murrow. In 1965, the program was renamed in his honor and is supported by the CBS FoundationRead… Read more »