Posts Tagged: jobs

Communicate Effectively or Watch Your Program Fail

By Scott Burns, CEO & co-Founder, GovDelivery In the private sector, we take for granted that effective communication is a mission critical function. It’s a matter of survival. If a company has a good product or service, but can’t explain it well, the company goes under. It’s that simple. In the public sector, the valueRead… Read more »

VACANCY ANNOUNCEMENT: Supvy. Intn’l Vis. Exch. Spec, GS-130-15 (State Department)

This job closes January 6. If you’re already working in government, use the top link; if not, use the bottom link. If you have questions, use the contact information inside each listing. Happy Holidays, and good luck! Govt. Wide**&FedEmp=Y&FedPub=Y&jbf521=GS&jbf574=ST00&lid=316&sort=rv%2c-dtex&vw=d&brd=3876&ss=0&caller=%2fa9st00.asp&pg=5&re=3&AVSDM=2010-12-20+14%3a31%3a00 All Sources**&FedEmp=Y&FedPub=Y&jbf521=GS&jbf574=ST00&lid=316&sort=rv%2c-dtex&vw=d&brd=3876&ss=0&caller=%2fa9st00.asp&pg=5&re=3&AVSDM=2010-12-20+14%3a28%3a00

The “New Media Director” Position is Just a Means to an End

This post originally appeared on my external blog, “Social Media Strategery.” In 2010, the position of “New Media Director” within the government has become almost commonplace. From governors to senators to Departments and Agencies, now you can attend a GovUp and leave with more than a dozen business cards, all containing the title of NewRead… Read more »

Keys to Success with Government Video

From the Granicus Blog Last week’s webinar, Top 5 Ways to Increase Website Traffic with Video, attracted over 60 government agencies across the U.S. and Canada. While video becomes a powerful tool for transparency and accountability, government staff members across all different departments are still trying to find ways to use it effectively—to not onlyRead… Read more »

Military transitions: Use your education effectively

A post by Patra Frame, ClearedJobs.Net HR Strategist. I went to my first tech school barely a month after arriving at my first base. You certainly have had some training too. So what do you do with all that when you are thinking about your transition? First, as you have looked at what you wantRead… Read more »

Best of 2010: Top GovLoop Videos

We’ve going through the top just about anything you can think of for GovLoop in 2010. As an ex TV person this next category is a little near and dear to my heart… videos. Honestly we didn’t have thousands upon thousands of videos on GL this year but believe me that’s a goal for 2011,Read… Read more »

Need a New Year’s Resolution? Go Green!

I’ve made it a point in recent years to not lose track of my New Year’s resolutions from the previous January, so I can look back at them in December. And while this may not be the forum to discuss how successful I was in cleaning up our basement, I am proud to report thatRead… Read more »