Posts Tagged: jobs

Everybody Freeze: Total American wages dropped 3.2 percent in 2009

Pre-Governor Schwarzenegger prophetically takes us through the words of the day. Just something to think about for those expressing dissatisfaction over the pay freeze; according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis (Shout out!), American wages actually dropped 3.2% in 2009. That would be the same 2009 in which we got a 3.9% COLA. This isRead… Read more »

South Africa improves addiction services

Behavioral Healthcare Issue Date: Online Exclusive South Africa improves addiction servicesThe government gets behind a national plan to vastly improve substance use treatment By Ron Manderscheid, PhD This is a story of achievement and success in a distant land. The key ingredients of quality improvement are all present—an overarching framework; focused political will by nationalRead… Read more »

GroupOn for Government

My brother recently inspired me with an idea: GroupOn for Government. GroupOn’s model works like this: GroupOn (or LivingSocial if you prefer), which markets your brand, gets a percentage of your sales if you sell over a set number of items. A Government GroupOn could work like this: GSA negotiates daily or week-long deals withRead… Read more »

The best moment in Canadian democracy in 2010?: the census debate

Over at Samara, my friend Alison Loat is asking people to answer the question “What was the best moment in Canadian democracy in 2010?” In what I think was a good decision, they’ve defined the terms pretty broadly, stating: The moment could be one that took place inside or outside of Parliament or other legislativeRead… Read more »

Innovation Leaders: What Makes Manor Tick?

With a population of less than 5,000 and a median household income of around $50,000, Manor, Texas, is an unlikely place to find the cutting edge of government e-participation technologies. But thanks to a young and enterprising Assistant City Manager (Dustin Haisler, now of Spigit), Manor has attracted significant investment from a variety of firmsRead… Read more »

Best of 2010: Top 5 Most Popular GovLoop Blogs and Forums

If you’ve ever watched the awards ceremonies, they usually save the Best Movie or Best Actor and Actress until the very end…so my colleagues at GovLoop have covered the best of everything in 2010 on GovLoop and beyond…with the exception of blogs and forums. So we thought we’d leave the best for last. What IRead… Read more »

Communicate Effectively or Watch Your Program Fail

By Scott Burns, CEO & co-Founder, GovDelivery In the private sector, we take for granted that effective communication is a mission critical function. It’s a matter of survival. If a company has a good product or service, but can’t explain it well, the company goes under. It’s that simple. In the public sector, the valueRead… Read more »