Posts Tagged: jobs

How To Make 2014 Your Best Year

I love the fresh start of a New Year, the clean slate, the feeling of endless opportunity… It’s the time of year when you plan your accomplishments, and set your hopes high for achieving each one. And you set goals because you know what you want, right? Well let me ask you this…What are youRead… Read more »

The Flexibility Test: Does Your Organization Have a Flexibility Culture?

The principal difference between the 21st century workplace and the 20th century (19th century?) work culture in which so many of us live is flexibility. While some organizations have made a commitment to an outcomes-based approach to meeting mission objectives, others are still stuck in a compliance culture that values by-the-book processes and policies overRead… Read more »

Postponing Your Job Search During the Holidays: A Bad Choice

As the holiday season arrives many job seekers make a bad decision – to lessen, or shut down all-together, their job search with the thought they’ll renew and resume their search in the new year. Bad decision! Why? A misunderstanding of how hiring happens. Many job seekers mistakenly believe that employers stop hiring during theRead… Read more »

Forget Cyber Monday – There is a holiday hiring spree

Ok, a hiring spree might be a bit of a stretch. But the government really is hiring. Despite all the bad publicity, the shutdown, the sequester, the pay freeze, the furloughs, the government really is looking to hire new talent on a daily basis. (You can check out GovLoop’s top job openings here.) However, thereRead… Read more »

Moving On Up: 5 Tips On How To Survive (And Thrive) During an Office Move

Your boxes are packed; you’re ready to go, right? Unfortunately, moving office spaces is not as simple as packing up your favorite pen and timing a new commute. Even in the age of the cloud, telework and BYOD, transferring the operations of your agency into a new space can be a difficult process. Recently, GovLoopRead… Read more »