Posts Tagged: jobs

On Wikileaks: Gov 2.0, The Press and Free Society

There are people who do Gov 2.0 work who do not believe in calling “Government 2.0″ a movement. In the non-movement sense, Gov 2.0 is practically defined as anything that someone wants to call “Gov 2.0″ – often an emerging technology looking to capitalize on the movement. There’s something to capitalize on because Government 2.0Read… Read more »

Friday Fab Five: Etiquette, Pay Freeze, Maxwell and More

Every Friday, we take a quick look back at the week and highlight members or moments that were especially awesome. Here’s who and what rocked it out this week. 5. The Most Commented Blog of the Week was Megan Price‘s Top 5 – Airport Etiquette. Megan has been traveling a lot lately and decided toRead… Read more »

Webinar: Top Ways Government Can Increase Web Traffic with Video

From the Granicus Blog We know that many government agencies struggle to get citizens to their websites. Now there’s an easy way to get them there and keep them engaged: video! In today’s Web 2.0 world, video is a critical component to successful websites, people expect it. Think about it, how many websites have youRead… Read more »

Steve Ressler Visits the Maxwell School

Thanks to Professor Ines Mergel, my Public Organizations and Management Class had the opportunity to listen to a great presentation by GovLoop founder Steve Ressler. GovLoop is essentially a “Facebook for Feds,” it is a great social network that fosters collaboration for Government employees. Steve Ressler has been referred to as a Gov 2.0 “Rock-Star.”Read… Read more »

GovReads (Author Interview!): The Science of Service – Six Essential Elements for Creating a Culture of Service in the Public Sector

It always makes you proud when a member of your family does something awesome, right? Well, GovLoop has a member – Wendi Pomerance Brick – who’s about to release a brilliant book geared toward government on December 15. It’s called “The Science of Service: Six Essential Elements for Creating a Culture of Service in theRead… Read more »

WikiLeaks and the Accused Leaker

Bradley Manning is the U.S. Army private who is accused of leaking information to the website Wikileaks. I have been sorting out my feelings on the Wikileaks controversy, torn between a desire for openness and freedom versus a desire for America’s Government to be able to operate securely and effectively. I have quickly begun toRead… Read more »

Holiday Gift-Giving Guidance for Government Contractors

A govWin knowledge editor, Sean Tucker, put together this interesting article on gift-giving guidance for government contractors to their federal customers. As the holidays are approaching I felt this would be relevant to most people on govloop. Holiday Gift-Giving Guidance for Government Contractors The holidays are here, and you’re shopping for a small gift toRead… Read more »

What do 100 MPAs Think about Government

I was honored to spend the last 2 days at Syracuse University with MPA and PhD students in Public Administration, IT, and Public Diplomacy. I had two lunches, 1 dinner, 2 coffee breaks with specific small groups of students, a career talk to 30 students, and a presentation to 100 students about Gov 2.0. IRead… Read more »

Weekly Round-up: December 3, 2010

Gadi Ben-Yehuda Last week, I wrote about Michael Agger’s article, “How should we use data to improve our lives?” He’s since collected a host of interesting suggestions, and you should check it out and even add your own. American Libraries presents 11 trends for 2011, including quite a few that are relevant for the GovRead… Read more »