Posts Tagged: jobs

Notes from National League of Cities: Social Media and Municipalities

Today, I am writing live from Denver, Colorado, where I am participating in a panel for the 2010 National League of Cities (NLC) Congress of Cities and Exposition. Fellow panelists include: – Mark Basnight, Public Information Officer, Charlotte Fire Department– Andrew Bleeker, Principal, Bully Pulpit Interactive (Obama Campaign)– Pam Broviak, City Engineer/Assistant Director of PublicRead… Read more »

When the Back Office is the Place to Start – Bringing Technology to Purchasing

Many government customers buy document management software because of its use as a compliance tool. In my agency, we had some serious rules around the use of community development and affordable housing funds and we needed to keep our documents for 35 years and yet still have access to them for annual reviews. And thatRead… Read more »

Job seeker tips from two recruiting experts

Anne Hull, President Hull Strategies, and Nancy Gober, Career Coach Key Development Solutions, share their thoughts and interviewing tips for job seekers interested in working for government contracting firms. Anne and Nancy also discuss common resume mistakes they saw at a recent Cleared Job Fair.

What Is My Chance of Getting a Security Clearance?

About 1% or 1,350 cases (sum of the 2 figures shown in red) of the approximately 150,000 completed investigations received by DISCO each year result in clearance denial or revocation. About 20% to 30% of cases decided by DOHA Administrative Judges are appealed by either the applicant or the DOHA Department Counsel. While 99% mayRead… Read more »

Govies Show Sacrifice: It’s OK, Freeze My Pay

Today President Obama announced a federal pay freeze for Federal employees. If you haven’t heard, here’s all the details from our friends at the Washington Post: Obama announces two-year pay freeze for federal workers Of course, GovLooper Candace Riddle has already posted a forum about inviting you to: SOUND OFF: Your Thoughts on the FederalRead… Read more »

Government Agencies waste $15.4 BILLION Annually on Inefficient File Search

MeriTalk, an online Government IT community, surveyed 300 Federal employees to investigate if and how they find the documents they need, and the role that online file search plays in their workday. They compiled their findings in the report, Uncle Sam’s Lost and Found: $15.4 Billion. The report looks at Feds’ ability to easily –orRead… Read more »

Three Thoughts As I Deck the Halls

I’ve been neglecting this blog. Too busy with holiday doings. So before I forget them, here are three quick thoughts that might deserve longer pieces…after the holidays. 1. Dashboards I’m beginning to wonder about the wisdom of all these performance “dashboards.” I understand that, in the spirit of open government, it’s good to have someRead… Read more »

Project of the Week: Microsoft Federal Apps Contest

GovLoop is proud to have Microsoft as one of its 2010 Premiere Partners. This week, we’re highlighting their new Federal Apps Contest. You can learn more below from our interview with Michael Meldeau, Microsoft’s Federal Marketing Manager. 1. Can you provide a brief overview of the project?Meldeau: Microsoft Federal has created an exciting new applicationRead… Read more »