Posts Tagged: jobs

Project of the Week: Microsoft Federal Apps Contest

GovLoop is proud to have Microsoft as one of its 2010 Premiere Partners. This week, we’re highlighting their new Federal Apps Contest. You can learn more below from our interview with Michael Meldeau, Microsoft’s Federal Marketing Manager. 1. Can you provide a brief overview of the project?Meldeau: Microsoft Federal has created an exciting new applicationRead… Read more »

Is the State Department Wiki Leaks the Beginning of a Nightmare For Open Government?

After three days of consuming the best of cuisine during Thanksgiving holiday, I have once again experienced my usual holiday epiphany to become inspired. It is usually around this time of year, that I personally and professionally aspire to take my goal setting to the next level. Honestly speaking, I am excited about expanded hopesRead… Read more »

GovInsights: Strive for Consensus, Fix Education and Stop Blaming Regulatory Agencies

This time we talked to Jeffrey S. Lubbers, Professor of Practice in Administrative Law at American University’s Washington College of Law. Prof. Lubbers served in government as the former Research Director for the recently revived Administrative Conference of the U.S. (ACUS), where he now served as a Special Counsel. He has written extensively in theRead… Read more »

Gov T-Shirts! Get Your Gov T-Shirts Here!

So I finally got around to setting up an online store for the T-Shirt Designs I pulled together. Thanks to all for the interest, here is the link: There are two designs and both are available in mens and womans versions. Hopefully more to come in the future. Please note that I haven’t actuallyRead… Read more »

So Much To Be Thankful For!

Every year on Thanksgiving, my family and I go around the table and share what we are thankful for. As a teenager, I though this “so uncool.” Nowadays, I look forward to it. The fall is a crazy time of year, especially when the holidays come around. It’s easy to get wound up in theRead… Read more »

Another reminder that Government 2.0 is not just technology

I repeat myself, I know, but it is important to occasionally return to my definition of Government 2.0: “Government 2.0 is a citizen-centric philosophy and strategy that believes the best results are usually driven by partnerships between citizens and government, at all levels. It is focused entirely on achieving goals through increased efficiency, better management,Read… Read more »

5 Do’s & Don’t for Better Social Media in Government

Everyone is talking about social media, but what is the purpose of investing time in these efforts from a government perspective? There are several reasons why it makes sense to invest time on-line. Here are three major ones: Learn what customers are saying about your services Make relationships with people in your community Allow yourRead… Read more »

The end of FCIP, and the start of something new?

As others have mentioned here on govloop, the Federal Career Intern Program was recently ruled illegal by the Merit Systems Protection Board. While it’s true that FCIPs are unfortunately not fully advertised in many cases–and get sent to me by referrals and advertised at job fairs–they were one of the best ways for my studentsRead… Read more »

What’s Your Favorite Gov 2.0 Read? Contribute to the CfA Book List.

In just a few weeks, our inaugural class of fellows will be coming together in San Francisco for the first time. These are folks from all kinds of different backgrounds and strengths, who will be spending a year putting their heads together to find creative solutions to civic problems. This is an exciting but challengingRead… Read more »

The Case for Youth Engagement

(This article was prepared for the Oklahoma Academy’s 2010 Town Hall on municipal government. If, like me, your ADD struggles with the line spacing below, download the PDF here: The Case for Youth Engagement.pdf) The Case for Youth EngagementThe issue of youth engagement often falls on the back burner for most municipal governments — anRead… Read more »