Posts Tagged: jobs

Toward an Open Data Maturity Model

Last week was an exciting week in the world of open data. In the US, we held our first International Open Government Data Conference, and in London, there was Open Government Data Camp. Meanwhile, there was some discussion around data journalism at Public Media Camp, and “big data” was a topic of discussion at theRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and Entrepreneurship: What’s That Got To Do With It?

Last Friday it was class time. At least symbolically. At the George Washington University the “Gov 2.0 Startup Lab” event was scheduled. Besides the mix of Social Media presenters, innovative Change Makers and Techies, it was time to infect the government with some great entrepreneurial spirit. After a couple of individual presentations the first panelRead… Read more »

Snail… What’s that make you think of?

Your agency’s technology, perhaps? Would a $5,000 Technology Grant Help?no strings. no cost. no commitment. no essays. Over the past few months, I’ve traveled the country on the “municibid Across America Tour” to attend various municipal association conferences. I had the great pleasure of speaking with thousands of local government agencies. One common theme inRead… Read more »

Without Engagement Gov 2.0 Will Fail

For people who are on the cutting edge of the Gov 2.0 movement, we often forget that a majority of government employees are still not enthusiastic about the potential of the new social networking technologies in their workplace. Now many of these folks are using Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, etc. to keep up with their familyRead… Read more »

Gratitude….Practicing Thanks This Thanksgiving!

I know that we are all inundated with news events that have placed so much stress on us! Our questionable economy, foreclosures, rising health care cost, military family away from home, and continued job loss has overwhelmed many. You may have read a similar article I wrote last year regarding showing gratitude but I thinkRead… Read more »

GovLoop on HuffPo: 5 Tips for TSA from Fellow Govies

GovLoop’s latest Huffington Post column is live. Here’s an excerpt: Earlier this week, we posed the following challenge to members of GovLoop, a group of nearly 40,000 people who work in and around government: Help TSA Out of This Mess! Share Your Ideas to Improve Travel Right Now! As you might suspect with all theRead… Read more »

Government 2.0 challenge, reducing employee turnover

Did you know that “government-wide, 24.2 percent of newly hired employees leave within a two-year time frame“? (This is based upon research from Booz Allen Hamilton). I talk to a lot of people in Government positions, primarily those focused on driving government 2.0 changes. These people are often not managers, they are simply passionate peopleRead… Read more »

On The Frontlines: Cloud Computing in Government

Trezza Media Group released the latest installment of it’s “On The Frontlines” series of government technology reports. The “On The Frontlines” Publications are dedicated to showcasing the positive progress and best practices of the Federal Government Agencies and their strategic partners in meeting the goals of their Mission Programs and supporting the men and womenRead… Read more »